Welcome AIA Umpires Classroom Training

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1 Welcome AIA Umpires Classroom Training
Moon Valley HS Conference Area (Center of Campus) Feb 3, 8, 10, 15, 17 6PM – 7:30PM (Steve Huddleson) Extra Innings Recreation Center (Val Vista / Southern) Feb 4, 9, 11, 16, 18 / 6:30 – 8PM (Jake Gustafson) AZBOA SVO Baseball Officials Meeting AZBOA SVO Baseball Officials Meeting

2 Help us have a great meeting…. AZBOA SVO Baseball Officials Meeting
Restroom- outside and to the left (you need the key) Cell Phones- OFF or on Vibrate Our Room- keep it clean and please help reset the chairs when the meeting is finished When asking questions- stay on point. AZBOA SVO Baseball Officials Meeting

3 Scrimmages Everyone was sent the Scrimmage list for viewing and signup…. Steve or Rob for a copy. SIGN UP FOR SCRIMMAGES…your responsibility! either: Steve Huddleson / Eric Vaughan Jake Gustafson / Chuck McAdoo / Rick Nurkka With the Date / Home School / Your name. Scrimmages will be released from AIA once filled! AZBOA SVO Baseball Officials Meeting

4 Questions from last meeting? AZBOA SVO Baseball Officials Meeting

5 2016 AZBOA Baseball Rules Meetings
Rule Six Pitching 45 Minutes to Complete

6 Rule 6: Pitching 6-1-1: The pitcher must pitch from a “Windup” or “Set” position. Windup is usually with no runners & Set is with runners on base. * Their feet will determine which position they are in (His non-pivot foot is key) *Must take Signs from catcher while engaged with (touching) the pitcher’s plate. *The pitcher must adhere to pitching regulations once he INTENTIONALLY contacts the pitcher’s plate.

7 New Rules 2013 Points of Emphasis
Both feet can be touching OR Pivot touching and Non Pivot touching line extending… New Rules 2013 Points of Emphasis The Windup is one of two legal pitching positions. For the windup, the pitcher’s non-pivot foot shall be in any position on or behind a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate.

8 Legal or Illegal? New Rules 2013 LEGAL Points of Emphasis

9 Legal or Illegal? New Rules 2013 LEGAL Points of Emphasis

10 *Preventative Officiating….
Legal or Illegal? New Rules 2013 Points of Emphasis Borderline if the umpire determines that the non pivot foot is on or behind a line extending thru front edge of plate then legal. *Preventative Officiating….

11 Rule 6: Pitching 6-1-2: The Windup Position…Hands can be together in front, at his sides or one in front and one at his side. His non-pivot foot shall be in any position on or behind a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate. *Once he starts to pitch, he must continue without interruption. Otherwise a balk with runners on OR “Time” and reset with no runners on. He CANNOT pause (stop) anywhere in the delivery! *Windup only allows for a pitch to be delivered OR stepping off backward with pivot foot first. (Cannot pick to a base without stepping of first). He may turn his head to check runners but not his shoulders.

12 Rule 6: Pitching Windup Position: Questions: Can a pitcher, while engaged w/ rubber and in the windup, turn his shoulders to check a runner? Answer: No from Windup position. He may turn his head to look but not his shoulders. Can the pitcher, from the Windup Position step off legally and throw to a base in an attempt to retire an runner? Answer: Yes, if he legally steps off prior to turning or stepping towards base or throwing. He may NOT simulate a pitching motion as he steps off the pitching plate.

13 Legal Pitching Positions
Legal as long as part of the pivot foot is touching part of the rubber Legal Pitching Positions New Rules 2013 Points of Emphasis The Set is the other legal pitching position. For the set position, a pitcher’s entire non-pivot foot must be in front of a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate and the entire pivot foot must be Parallel, and in contact (all or partial) with the rubber.

14 Illegal Set & Illegal Windup
New Rules 2013 Points of Emphasis This hybrid position does NOT qualify, by rule for either the Windup or Set pitching positions. Umpires should be proactive in warning pitchers prior to allowing this position Windup Position requires NON PIVOT foot to on or behind a line extending through the front edge of plate The Set position requires the Pivot Foot to be parallel to the plate and the Non Pivot foot to in front of a line extending (as it is in this picture)

15 New Rules 2013 Points of Emphasis P R E L I M N A Y T C H
The pitcher may take signs with the ball in the glove or hand. The pitcher may have his pitching are at his back, side OR hanging down in front. Any movement NATURALLY associated with him starting to come set must be done so in ONE CONTINOUS MOTION.

16 New Rules 2013 Points of Emphasis C O M I N G T A S E
The pitcher, using a continuous motion, shall come SET with both hands in front of his body….AND after a discernible STOP may pitch the ball to the batter. The pitcher may at any time (with or without stopping) step off legally or pick to a base. Once coming set, any movement home, commits the pitcher to pitch the ball.

17 *His pitching hand shall be at his side or behind his back.
Rule 6: Pitching; Set Position *Prior to coming set, the pitcher can have the ball in either his glove or hand. *His pitching hand shall be at his side or behind his back. *Non pivot foot entirely in front of the line extending through the front edge of the pitching plate. *His entire Pivot foot in contact or directly in front of pitching plate.

18 Rule 6: Pitching;-1-3 Set Position
*Once he starts to come set, this movement must be continuous, until he is set. *Unless legally disengaging the rubber. *Coming set, is stopping all movement of his hands / body completely. Discernible stop (Noticeable or Distinguishable) *Setting of hands (hand & ball in glove) in front of body & at or below chin. *Use Common Sense with at or below..

19 Rule 6: Pitching SET position, prior to starting any movement to come set: Shall not bring hands together, remove ball from glove, move ball in glove to free pitching hand. (He is in the act of coming set by bringing hands together ) Shall not feint a throw to a base, unless he has stepped off backward prior to motion. He may turn at shoulders , or head, but not at waist, to check runners.

20 6) He may adjust his feet by moving them closer or further apart.
Rule 6: Pitching SET position, prior to starting any movement to come set: 4) He may step toward and throw to first base (step only required for 2nd and 3rd base). 5) He may step off backward, with his pivot foot, changing from a pitcher to a fielder at this moment. This is the only way to change from Set to Windup position. 6) He may adjust his feet by moving them closer or further apart.

21 Rule 6: Pitching SET position, prior to starting any movement to come set: 7) He may shake his glove or pitching hand in an effort to gain a sign from catcher. AS LONG AS NOT SIMULATING A START OF MOTION 8) Swing his pitching hand / arm (Gorilla Stance). Hanging the arm (not swinging) is LEGAL! Gorilla Stance = WARN first then balk. The swinging motion has to be judged as a start of the pitching motion and / or deceiving to the runner.

22 Shall bring his hands (ball, glove & hands) together.
Rule 6-1-3: Set Position (con’t) Once he has started movement to come set: Shall bring his hands (ball, glove & hands) together. He may turn at shoulders (prior to hands touching) , or head to check runners. Once SET he may NOT turn at shoulders. He may step toward and throw to first base (step only required for 2nd and 3rd base).

23 5) his feet by moving them closer or further apart.
Rule 6-1-3: Set Position (con’t) Once he has started movement to come set: 4) He may step off backward, with his pivot foot, changing from a pitcher to a fielder at this moment. This is the only way to change from Set to Windup position. 5) his feet by moving them closer or further apart.

24 7) Shall not feint any throw to any base.
Rule 6-1-3: Set Position (con’t) Once he has started movement to come set: 6) He may not start movement and then stop, prior to hands being completely together; UNLESS stepping off backwards off pitching plate. 7) Shall not feint any throw to any base. 8) He must come to a discernable stop after bringing hands together.

25 Rule 6-1-3: Set Position (con’t)
Once he has come set: He may not make any movement other than stepping off backwards, picking to a base, or delivering a pitch to the batter. (Exception: Head movement) He may not break his hands unless pitching or picking off. If he steps off backwards he must break his hands AFTER stepping off

26 3) He may turn at the head to check runners.
Rule 6-1-3: Set Position (con’t) Once he has come set: 3) He may turn at the head to check runners. 4) He may not flinch, stagger, start and stop or break his knee prior to pitching. (He can BREATHE) 5) He may step toward and throw to first base (step only required for 2nd & 3rd base).

27 6-1-4: If while in the Windup or Set positions, if the pitcher drops the ball DURING delivery and if the ball- Crosses a foul line or reaches plate = BALL in all situations. Does not cross a foul line or reach the plate = NO PITCH w/ no runners & BALK w/ runners on base. *Umpire MECHANIC = when ball is dropped and stops rolling or is picked up = “Ball” (because pitch reached foul line / plate) OR Time & “That’s a balk” (because pitch did not reach foul line / plate) OR “That’s Nothing” (because he was NOT engaged with the rubber when he dropped the ball)

28 Pitcher drops Ball Video #1
Insert Pitcher Drops Ball #1 What is our ruling and our mechanic?

29 Pitcher No Pitch Video #2
Insert Pitcher NO Pitch #2 What is our ruling and our mechanic?

30 Pitcher = throws ball out of play = 1 base award
Rule 6: Pitching 6-1-5: A Player is the pitcher when intentionally engaging the pitching plate. They cease to be the pitcher when he legally steps off the plate (now a fielder) for the purposes of fielding OR throwing. Pitcher = throws ball out of play = 1 base award Fielder = throws ball out of play = 2 base award Pitcher = feints throw to base = BALK Fielder = feints throw to base = NOTHING

31 Rule 6: Pitching 6-2-1: Infractions by the Pitcher and Illegal acts include: Spitting on ball or glove = Dead ball immediately, Umpire may eject. (Warn first!) Nothing if NO pitch delivered! Ball if pitched. Discoloring the ball w/dirt = Dead ball immediately, Umpire may eject. (Warn first!) Nothing if NO pitch delivered! Ball if pitched. Bringing pitching hand in contact with MOUTH & not wiping = BALL if he is not engaged with plate. BALK if engaged with plate!

32 Illegal Pitching Motion
New Rules 2013 Points of Emphasis Illegal from either SET or WINDUP. BALK w/ runners BALL w/ no runners

33 Rule 6: Pitching 6-2-1: Infractions by the Pitcher and Illegal acts include: Wearing any items that are distracting to the batter = Umpire has jurisdiction to decide what is distracting… Wearing tape (or other material) on palm or fingers of pitching hand = Must fix before next pitch. Wearing a glove with white or gray coloring = Must fix before next pitch. Wearing exposed (below the elbow) under sleeves that are white/gray = Must fix before next pitch.

34 Rule 6: Pitching (con’t)
Exception: Umpire may allow for more warm-up throws during inclement weather. SEE NEXT SLIDE 6-2-3: Pitcher may not intentionally pitch close to batter. Eject if you are positive this has happened. IF not 100% positive, then warnings are issued to BOTH teams. Game awareness… Previous hit batters Homeruns Excessive celebrations Previous issues or taunting *Umpires must be ready if these happen and what MAY happen next!

35 6-2-4: Pitcher has BALKED if with runners on base:
Rule 6: Pitching (con’t) 6-2-4: Pitcher has BALKED if with runners on base: While in contact with pitching plate: feinting toward batter or first base. dropping of the ball (provided it does not cross foul line). failing to step with non-pivot directly toward a base prior to throwing or feinting.

36 6-2-4: Pitcher has BALKED if with runners on base:
Rule 6: Pitching (con’t) 6-2-4: Pitcher has BALKED if with runners on base: delivers an illegal pitch (quick pitch, no stop) after committing to pitch, he does not do so in a continuous motion (stops)* *Exception: Unless the batter’s actions cause the stop (hand up for time, stepping out etc) then we call time (essentially awarding batter time) and protecting pitcher from balking. Taking either hand off the ball (set position) unless pitching to batter or picking to base. From the windup he may “momentarily adjust the ball”

37 6-2-4: Pitcher has balked if with runners on base:
Rule 6: Pitching 6-2-4: Pitcher has balked if with runners on base: failing to pitch to batter when entire non- pivot foot passes behind the perpendicular plane of the back edge of pitching plate (except to step to 2nd base for a potential play / pick off.) Question: Is it a balk for a Right Handed Pitcher, from the Set position, to bring his entire non-pivot foot behind rubber and pick to 3rd base? Answer: Yes it is a balk. Same requirements for a LHP to first base AND a RHP to 3rd base.

38 AZBOA Balk Video Can you find the Balks?
Insert AZBOA Balk Video

39 >5 feet of distance = one foot on dirt circle
Rule 6: Pitching 6-2-5: Pitcher has balked if with runners on base: While NOT in contact with rubber when he: (near enough vicinity to rubber to deceive runner) with or without the ball, makes any motion naturally associated with his motion. without the ball, places his feet on or astride the pitching plate (simulating a pitcher) places himself within 5 feet of rubber without having the ball during hidden ball trick; >5 feet of distance = one foot on dirt circle <5 feet of distance = two feet on dirt circle

40 Why is this NOT a balk in High School?
Hidden Ball Trick Video #1 Is this a balk? Insert Hidden Ball Trick #1 here Why is this NOT a balk in High School?

41 Hidden Ball Trick Video #2
Is this a balk? Insert Hidden Ball Trick #2 here This would not be a Balk because the Pitcher can be on the mound WITH the Baseball

42 When is the pitcher considered to be infielder and NOT the pitcher?
Question: When is the pitcher considered to be infielder and NOT the pitcher? Answer: He is the pitcher when intentionally engaged with the rubber. He is an infielder either after LEGALLY disengaging the pitching rubber. Rule 6: Pitching

43 Question: What is the difference in requirements, for the Pitcher, when picking to 1st base compared to picking to 2nd or 3rd base? Answer: When picking to 1st base the pitcher must STEP and THROW to 1st base versus only required to STEP to 2nd or 3rd base. The pitcher does not have to throw . How many bases does runners advance when the Pitcher throws the ball out of play? Answer: 1 base from TOP. Rule 6: Pitching

44 Extra Warm-up Throws Rule 6-2-2c Exception
New Rules 2013 RULE CHANGE A pitcher REPLACING either an injured or ejected pitcher can be given extra (more than 8) warm up pitches at the discretion of the Umpire.

45 Watch HBP video next slide…
Batter Hit by Pitch 8.1.1D …if he permits the pitched ball to touch him OR if the umpire calls the pitched ball a strike the hitting of the batter is DISREGUARDED except that the pitch is dead… Watch HBP video next slide…

46 Batter Hit by Pitch Video

47 Questions about material covered tonight? SIGN UP FOR SCRIMMAGES!!
All classroom material is posted on AZBOA for review. Next Class is: Moon Valley HS Conference Area (Center of Campus) Feb 3, 8, 10, 15, 17 6PM – 7:30PM (Steve Huddleson) Extra Innings Recreation Center (Val Vista / Southern) Feb 4, 9, 11, 16, 18 / 6:30 – 8PM (Jake Gustafson) … covers Rule 7 & 8.

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