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In Oceania the people have no rights and are subject to surveillance, “thought control,” and torture. The term “Orwellian” is still used today to describe.

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2 In Oceania the people have no rights and are subject to surveillance, “thought control,” and torture. The term “Orwellian” is still used today to describe violations of personal freedoms.. George Orwell’s 1984 Image from: First 3 slides by Matthew Brandt-Lazar

3  1984 was based in large part on the Soviet Union during the Stalinist period.  In the Soviet Union people with dissenting political views were starved, executed, or sent to political prisons called “gulags.”  People were commonly spied on with electronic listening devices and other forms of surveillance  At least 10 million Soviet citizens were killed by the Stalin Regime. m/chartier/stalin-with- kids.jpg

4  Many aspects of 1984 are present in today’s society.  One of the most widespread is the use of video cameras to watch people without their permission.  This violates people’s right to privacy.  In Britain there are now 4.2 million surveillance cameras, one for every 14 people.  There are also a rising number in the United States. safety-identification-products...Let's See What We Have Here640 x 480 - 43k -

5 Unperson Crimethink Crimestop Doubleplusungood Big Brother The Brotherhood Memory hole Blackwhite DoublethinkNewspeak Ingsoc Minipax Miniluv Miniplenty Minitrue Two Minutes Hate Telescreen two plus two makes five Thought Police Jimmy Doyle

6 The Bill of Rights What are some rights protected? Freedom of religion, speech, press & assembly (1 st ) The right to bear arms (2 nd ) Protection from unreasonable search & seizure (4 th ) Protection vs. Double Jeopardy & self-incrimination (5 th ) Rights to speedy, public trial and counsel (6 th ) Right to a jury trial (6 th & 7 th ) Protection vs. cruel & unusual punishment (8 th ) Image may be subject to copyright. image at: culture/ Jimmy Doyle

7 Who is Big Brother? Do we know if he exist at all? What we do know is that… How does he see? Telescreens The Thought Police Children informants Why do we love him? Because we learn that… Atlantic Releasing, 1984 May be subject to copywright Retrieved at dark/ May be subject to copywright Retrieved at © 2009 Universal Press Syndicate - All Rights Reserved. May be subject to copywright Retrieved at Copyright © 2001-2009 Jimmy Doyle

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