Desegregation Civil Rights 1950’s/1960’s. 1896- Plessy v Ferguson supports separate but equal 1950 Brown v Board of Education 7 year old Linda Brown tried.

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1 Desegregation Civil Rights 1950’s/1960’s

2 1896- Plessy v Ferguson supports separate but equal 1950 Brown v Board of Education 7 year old Linda Brown tried to enroll in white school. NAACP took to Supreme Court- UNCONSTITUTIONAL racial integration “with all deliberate speed”

3 Sibley Commission: -talked to people to get opinion about integrating schools. -private schools opened. -each school should have the right to decide.

4 GEORGIA INTEGRATES SCHOOLS: 1961 UGA first two African American Students: Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes Governor Vandiver is for integration. Went better in Georgia than other states Atlanta Public Schools was the first to integrate 1971 ALL schools

5 Montgomery Bus Boycott: 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up seat for white Person and was arrested. Trail set Dec 5 th. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. asked blacks to boycott city bus system until: 1.Treated with courtesy 2.Black drivers for black routes 3.First come first serve seating African Americans: Walked, car pooled, 10 cent taxi rides 1956 public transportation segregation unconstitutional

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