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Soap Operas Lesson 4. Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will have: Worked together to create a whole class performance showing all of your.

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Presentation on theme: "Soap Operas Lesson 4. Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will have: Worked together to create a whole class performance showing all of your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soap Operas Lesson 4

2 Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will have: Worked together to create a whole class performance showing all of your understanding about naturalistic acting and soap operas Filmed your work to watch back next lesson! What levels should we be working between in year 8?

3 HedgeEnders Today we will be rehearsing and filming an episode of ‘HedgeEnders’ Working in groups you will be given a scene to rehearse which will then be filmed so the acting needs to be amazing! All of the scenes end with a cliff- hanger so you need to make sure you create it successfully using our 3 step guide Let’s see the scenes…

4 Scene 1 (3-4 actors) Characters - the village gossips/comedy characters The local gossip has heard a rumour that the local businessman is having an affair but he does not know who with. He tells his group of friends over a drink in the pub. At the end of the scene, one of his group of friends warns him to keep quite about the affair or he will meet a sticky end!

5 Scene 2 (5-6 actors) Characters - the family who own the pub The pub has been losing money and the family face being thrown out onto the street. To make matters worse one of the characters has been stealing from the till. At the end of the scene the thief is caught in the act!

6 Scene 3 (3 actors) Characters - the evil villain and the local hardmen The villain goes to see the hardmen to suggest they work together to ruin the pub landlord. They have been long standing rivals so the hardmen agree. They come up with a plan to rob the pub. At the end of the scene it is revealed that the villain is actually double crossing the hardmen and plans to tell the police about the robbery!

7 Scene 4 (5-6 actors) Characters – the local business man and his family The family are due to go on holiday and are very excited about the fact that they will be celebrating their parent’s 25th wedding anniversary while away. The businessman and his wife seem very loved up. At the end of the scene the wife receives an anonymous letter saying that her husband has been having an affair!

8 Scene 5 (5-6 actors) Characters – the local ‘chav’ family Social services are coming round to see if the children are being well cared for after a complaint from a local resident. The family love their children and are desperate to keep the family together but become quite verbally aggressive with the social worker. At the end of the scene the wife discovers that she is pregnant again! What will social services say about this?

9 Scene 6 (5 actors) Characters – the beauty salon workers The beauty workers are having a laugh about the various customers that the salon has when the owner of the salon comes in in tears. Her workers try to comfort her and she says she is fine. Later in the scene she receives a text message which makes her cry again. This time she breaks down and confesses to her workers that she has been having an affair!

10 Filming We will be filming our Soap Opera episode using our key terms of Rolling/At speed, Action and Cut – who can explain what each of these mean? As we will all be performing in the classroom one after the other what drama technique will we need to use? For a successful split screen you must stay frozen unless you are acting! We will have 1 rehearsal before we film

11 Plenary What were the challenges of today’s lesson? What have you learnt or recapped? Which group created the most successful scene and why?

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