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Road Show Fall 2015 Diocese of Syracuse. Inter-Parish Programs Office of Evangelization.

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Presentation on theme: "Road Show Fall 2015 Diocese of Syracuse. Inter-Parish Programs Office of Evangelization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Show Fall 2015 Diocese of Syracuse

2 Inter-Parish Programs Office of Evangelization

3 What is it?) EVANGELIZATIO N What are we talking about?

4 Evangelization is Everything The Mission of the Church The Church is missionary by her very nature, for Christ's mandate is not something contingent or external, but reaches the very heart of the Church. Redemptoris Missio, 62 The Reason the Church Exists The Church is born of the evangelizing activity of Jesus and the Twelve. She is the normal, desired, most immediate and most visible fruit of this activity: "Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations.“ Evangelii Nuntiandi, 15

5 Encounter Christ (KNOW) Formed as Disciples (LIVE) Witness to the Gospel (SHARE) One Church, One Mission Not my Mission Not your Mission God’s Mission! We participate in the Mission

6 How Do We Work Together? “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

7 Liturgical Seasons Provide a wider variety of opportunities for people Reach a wider audience Avoid competing with one another Don’t duplicate efforts Honor traditions Allow the giftedness of our members to guide our efforts Sharing the labor means less stress and burnout Benefits of collaboration:

8 Continuum (Ascension Press) Benefits of Collaborations TOTAL PARISH EVANGELIZATION WWW.EVANGELIZATION.COM Registration easy and accessible Different parishes can offer different programs – more to choose from Program facilitators can learn from one another

9 FORMED Benefits of Collaboration Linked parishes or parishes with one pastoral leader pay one fee Access on a digital platform doesn’t exclude anyone

10 ChristLife Evangelization Process ChristLife equips Catholics for the essential work of evangelization so others might personally encounter Jesus Christ and be transformed into His missionary disciples. Benefits of Collaboration Division of labor Shared financial obligation Some locations are better suited for large programming

11 Collaborative Models PCA Parish Contact Parish Contact Parish Contact Parish Contact Parish Contact Parish Contact Parish Contact Parish Contact Parish Contact Linked Parishes Parish Contact Parish Contact Parish Contact Parish Contact Pastoral Leader

12 Support for Collaborative Efforts Consultation Assessment Training Workshops Speakers Program Support

13 United in Mission Consultation Assessment Training Workshops Speakers Programs Support

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