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Performance Task Knowing that you have been learning about healthy eating and a balanced diet, your parents have asked you to plan the meals for three.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Task Knowing that you have been learning about healthy eating and a balanced diet, your parents have asked you to plan the meals for three."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Task Knowing that you have been learning about healthy eating and a balanced diet, your parents have asked you to plan the meals for three days. You need to consider your family’s tastes and some healthy snacks. Create a meal plan and a grocery list for your family. (Gr. 2 Health)

2 Performance Task You have been asked to help a visiting band carry their instruments into the auditorium. Inside, the band leader asks you to put all the percussion instruments on the stage. To show how you would sort them, review the images of all the instruments in the saved Appleworks file, then cut and paste the percussion instruments into a new file. Make a display and label each instrument. (Gr. 3 Music and Media Literacy)

3 Performance Task The government is considering selling a portion of Algonquin Park to a lumber company. The lumber company is planning to clear cut the area. David Suzuki has hired your environmental firm to produce a multi-media presentation arguing against their plan. (Gr. 4 Habitats / Gr. 7 Ecosystems)

4 Performance Task In your trios, use the microphone tool in KidPix to search the music for various dance forms. Choose two each to perform, individually or as a group. Each member of the trio must research and describe one of the chosen dance forms in a two-minute oral presentation. (Gr. 5 Drama and Dance)

5 Performance Task The local public library is creating a display of First Nations art, as a representation of its connection to today’s youth. Using the print and digital sources that our class compiled, choose one sample of First Nations art to write about. Describe it according to its elements and principles of design. (Gr. 6 Visual Arts)

6 Performance Task Your class has been asked by the CBC to create a short video about the Development of Western Canada, for their Heritage Minutes program. Your contribution is to find audio for the documentary. Search songs, poems and media clips. Decide on 3 audio pieces to contribute. (Gr. 8 History)

7 Performance Task Students will be learning about different types of resources and how to locate appropriate ones for their ISU Novelist Author Study. As outlined in the assignment, students are to have a minimum of three resources that discuss the author’s early life and a literary criticism of the novel the student has chosen. For the Oral Presentation students are to include two media products, one that already exists and one that they have to create. ENG3U, 11

8 Performance Task In order to effectively understand and put into practice the theoretical implications of both the visual (semiotic) and literary (rhetorical) devices found in dystopic literature, students will be asked to create a media treatment of the metaphors examined in both Huxley’s Brave New World and the filmic interpretations as referenced in examples such as The Island. ENG4U, 12

9 Performance Task Students will choose a province/territory to research. They will find information about the economy, natural resources, culture and physical features of that province/territory. As a culminating task the students will need to present their research in an interview (talk show) format. Students will need to get into character and pretend they are representatives of that province/territory and they will be interviewed to try and convince people to come to that province/territory.

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