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UNWRAPping Text A Quick Guide for the Accurate Comprehension of Text.

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Presentation on theme: "UNWRAPping Text A Quick Guide for the Accurate Comprehension of Text."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNWRAPping Text A Quick Guide for the Accurate Comprehension of Text

2 U- Understanding the Title It is important to first look at the title because it will tell you what you will be reading about. Understanding the title will assist you in determining the genre of the literature. It is important to know the genre because that let’s you know whether or not you should believe, or learn from what is being written. ( Fiction or Non-Fiction) Once you understand what to do with the information that you are about to read, you will better be able to establish the author’s purpose for writing the text. Knowing the author’s purpose is key to understanding the message that is being presented. ( Is he/she trying to sell me something? Is the author teaching me something?)

3 N- Notes It is important to pause after each paragraph in order to process the information that has just been read. To assist with processing information, jot down a few words that describe what has happened in that paragraph.

4 W- Write the Main Idea After reading the entire passage, write one sentence that sums up the entire piece. The notes in the margin next to each paragraph should be able to be put together to create the main idea. If the notes cannot be placed together to develop the main idea, it is likely that the notes need to be revised.

5 R- Read and Reread When you watch a movie for the first time, it’s new and exciting. When you watch it for a second time, sometimes you feel bored because you believe that you know everything that’s going to happen. You're bored until you see something that you missed the first time. You may not be interested until you suddenly understand something that was subtle that you didn’t notice the first time. Reading is exactly like watching a movie. You should be visualizing every detail. It is also imperative to experience it more than once in order to fully understand.

6 A- Answer all Questions Please be sure not to skip around the page unless absolutely necessary It is acceptable to skip a question if the test is timed and you are certain that you don’t know the answer. Remember to revisit each question, not just the ones that were skipped.

7 P- Prove your Answers Underline the answer in the passage Label the underlined sentence(s) stating which question they are the answer to Next to the question label the paragraph in which you found the answer If you had to infer the answer, write an I next to the question.

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