Narmer Palatte, both sides, Dynasty 0/I. Statue of Min from temple at Coptos, probably reign of Narmer, Dynasty 0/I.

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Presentation on theme: "Narmer Palatte, both sides, Dynasty 0/I. Statue of Min from temple at Coptos, probably reign of Narmer, Dynasty 0/I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Narmer Palatte, both sides, Dynasty 0/I

2 Statue of Min from temple at Coptos, probably reign of Narmer, Dynasty 0/I

3 Subsidiary graves of Aha at Umm el Qaab, Abydos (the near, double chambered tomb is the one associated with lion burials), Dynasty I

4 D 1 Mastaba Saqqara Remains of the niched façade of an elite Dynasty I mastaba at Saqqara

5 Plan of a Dynasty I elite mastaba at Saqqara

6 Funerary enclosures/mortuary temples: remains of Aha in the foreground, Khasekhemwy standing in background, Abydos, Dynasty I (Khasekhemwy is Dynasty II)

7 Bracelets from the arm of Djer, found in his tomb at Abydos, Dynasty I

8 Ebony “year label” from the reign of Den, Dynasty I (Note - I misspoke in class. I said this was from Saqqara from the tomb of Hemaka. It does name Hemaka, who is buried at Saqqara, and whose tomb did include labels of king Den. However, this example was found at king Den’s tomb at Abydos. Sorry!)

9 Stela of Meretneith from her tomb at Abydos, Dynasty I

10 Stele of Djet/Wadj from his tomb at Abydos, Dynasty I Stela of Peribsen from his tomb at Abydos, Dynasty II

11 Underground passages from the tomb of Ninetjer at Saqqara, Dynasty II

12 Tomb of Khasekhemwy at Abydos, Dynasty II

13 Statue of Khasekhemwy, Dynasty II

14 Slab Stela of a princess from Saqqara, Dynasty II

15 Step Pyramid, Djoser, Dynasty III

16 Stepped Pyramid niched enclosure wall, Dynasty III

17 Step Pyramid Complex, Dynasty III

18 Decorated passageway beneath the South Tomb, Step Pyramid Complex, Dynasty III

19 Djoser Serdab Statue, Dynasty III

20 Djoser running the heb-sed, relief below the Step Pyramid, Dynasty III

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