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Tyner Academy Team 19 Chattanooga, Tennessee Our mission is to challenge students, parents, and faculty to reach their full potential as problem solvers,

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Presentation on theme: "Tyner Academy Team 19 Chattanooga, Tennessee Our mission is to challenge students, parents, and faculty to reach their full potential as problem solvers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyner Academy Team 19 Chattanooga, Tennessee Our mission is to challenge students, parents, and faculty to reach their full potential as problem solvers, productive citizens and life long learners in a global society.

2 Elaine Carson Physics Teacher

3 Becky James Math Teacher

4 Joey Hatcher Chemistry Teacher

5 Jack Leather Consulting Teacher

6 Title: CO 2 in the Classroom Subtitle: Why are the students sleeping during our “exciting” lectures?

7 Using Vernier CBL’s, we propose to take multiple samples of the CO 2 content in a selected classroom during each class period of the day.

8 NCTM Standard: Problem Solving Instructional programs from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving; apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems;

9 NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATIONS STANDARDS design and conduct scientific investigations. use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications. formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence.

10 Timeline Spring 2001  Gather baseline data  CO 2 levels in classroom using Vernier Probes  Develop a Stella Model of our own

11 Timeline Summer 2001  Write curricular material for  Chemistry, physical science and math classes  Create an interactive scenario  Teacher in-service: Introduction to Computational Science

12 Timeline Fall 2001  Students gather data and create the model  Students evaluate model and make predictions

13 Timeline Spring 2002  NSTA presentation at National convention

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