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Chapter 7 Memory is the process by which we recollect prior experiences, information, and skills learned in the past.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Memory is the process by which we recollect prior experiences, information, and skills learned in the past."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Memory is the process by which we recollect prior experiences, information, and skills learned in the past.

2 1. Pay Attention 2. Get it right the first time 3. Be sure you fully understand 4. See the significance of what you are learning 5. Involve yourself and experiences if possible 6. Associate new material with facts you already know 7. Organize the material so it can be stored 8. Divide and group if possible 9. Reinforce what you have learned through repetition

3 Episodic- memories of personal experiences Semantic- General knowledge or memory of facts Procedural- memory for skills Examples: Episodic-Do you remember your first interaction with a computer? Semantic- Do you know the meaning of a computer? Procedural-Can You use a computer?

4 Which type of memory is involved? 1. First kiss 2. Riding a bike 3. List the 50 states 4. Witness a car accident 5. Driving a car 6. Describing a fight 7. First day of high school 8. Formula for classical conditioning Episodic Procedural Semantic Episodic Procedural Episodic or procedural Episodic Semantic

5 #1 Encoding- Modify the information so that it can be stored as a long term memory Visual Code- see it as a mental picture Acoustic Code- Say it out loud Semantic Code- Find a relation or meaning

6 #2 Storage- maintaining the information over a period of time Maintenance rehearsal- repeating the information over again Elaborative rehearsal- make it meaningful with info already known Organized system- the more you learn the more files you need. New information is filed in previously created files. You can have filing errors.

7 #3 Retrieval -locating stored information and returning it back to conscious Context-Dependent Memories- the situation or context in which a person first had the experience. The ability of people to retrieve memories is greater when they are in the same place or situation in which the information was stored State Dependant Memory- same mood or emotional state of mind in which they encoded the information Tip of the tongue phenomenon- know you know information but can’t retrieve it. Not organized very well or you are not in the same emotional state

8 Quiz 30 – You will have 30 second to memorize the following group of letters OTTFFSSENT TJBVXOQZA KDEGKINTTTMMNNSSTTIN 17761812186119141941

9 Gorilla video

10 Sensory memory- initial recording of information that enters our senses. It decays within seconds. You have to do something with it very quickly. It helps to use multiple senses to remember information. (Ex. sights, smell, sound, touch) Short-term memory also called working memory. It begins to fade after several second or until new information replaces it Rote - mechanical associative learning that is based on repetition Displace - in memory theory, to cause chunks of information to be lost from short term memory by adding new items Primacy effect and Recency effect- Remember the first few and last few items in a series. Chunking- organizing the information into smaller more manageable units The average person can hold a list of seven items in short term memory Business try to get phone number with as many zeros or repeated number as possible, easy to remember CogMed working memory improvement CogMed

11 Scientists have not found a limit to how much information can be stored into long term memory It is not known if we store all of our memory permanently. May just lose neurological connections to that information We are more likely to remember things that capture our attention- (Multiple senses) We reconstruct our memories from bits and pieces of our own information. We shape our memories in the individual ways we view the world. Different views of same events- witnesses in court

12 Short term memory will disappear after 10-12 seconds unless you transfer that information to long term memory Relearning- we usually relearn information faster that we knew but forgot Much of the time forgetting is due to interference or decay Getting texts in schooll!!!!! Listening to music while reading!!!!! Repression sometimes we forget things on purpose like events that are painful or unpleasant Amnesia-memory loss caused by an injury, fatigue, or illness

13 Repetition (studying, flashcard, rewriting) Relate information to things you already know Use Mnemonic devices- acronym - Great lakes (HOMES) or a jingle (commercials) Use multiple senses Shocking information

14 3 Kinds of memory Episodic Semantic Procedural 3 Processes of memory Encoding Storage Retrieval 3 Stages of Memory Sensory Memory Short-Term Memory Long Term Memory

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