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Creating Lifelong Library Users (One School at a Time)

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1 Creating Lifelong Library Users (One School at a Time)

2 Three Librarians partnering with Schools are We... Sarah Jane Batt - Indianapolis Public Library Maggie Jacobs - New York Public Library Tricia Racke Bengel - Nashville Public Library

3 Indianapolis Public Library Shared System This collaboration brought together 21 private, public, and charter schools (along with two museums) for a total of 10,00 students served. While each school collects their own materials, they share a catalog and circulation system with the public library. Students and teachers can request items and have them delivered to the school.

4 How it works Schools and museums pay a fee for membership, additional funding is provided by Indy Public Library All students have IndyPL cards issued by the school. Teachers have personal and room cards. Parents have access to their children's accounts, and get e- mail notices when items are coming in.

5 Benefits Students have access to a wider and deeper selection of books, along with more current information. Seventy-four percent of teachers in the system are requesting materials from IndyPL for use in the classroom. Library programs are promoted in the schools, new teachers trained, periodic professional development for teachers.

6 MyLibraryNYC Funded by a $5 million grant from Citi, this system links more than 500 public and charter schools, and more than 415,000 students. This also links the Brooklyn, Queens, and New York Public Library Systems. Students in four out of five boroughs get a new card, fine-free forever. Teachers get personal and educator cards.

7 How it works Teachers can request school delivery, and students request branch delivery. Schools fund the UPS delivery of books. Libraries work together to build “Teacher Sets” - boxes of books centered around a certain topic, or multiple copies of the same title. These books can be checked out by a teacher and used by the students in their class. The three library systems conduct regular teacher training.

8 Benefits The access that students in NYC have to books is greatly expanded. Libraries are allowed classroom visits, and have seen a large uptick in program visits from students who are in participating schools. BiblioCommons has greatly expanded the libraries' reach – from 7.1 million items to 17.3 million!

9 Limitless Libraries - Nashville With a $1.5 million budget from the Mayor's office, this collaboration links 128 public schools (including colleges and universities), a total of 81,000 students. Because so many of the school librarians have been let go, the public schools take over the collection development. Items are purchased, processed, and made shelf-ready for the schools.

10 How it Works NPL librarians work with teachers on programming, projects, and initiatives. Teachers and students place holds through NPL's PAC, and receive items through a school courier. Teachers have personal and educator cards. The libraries and the schools jointly purchase databases, NPL tracks statistics.

11 Benefits Fifty-three percent of high school and middle school students have library cards. The library supports Career Academies in each high school – training materials for those considering alternatives to college. Despite the fear of dilution of resources – circulation and programming went up!

12 After the Speakers Stopped Talking... Ideas from other kinds of libraries (mostly the smaller ones) Libraries partnering with schools for special exhibitions of science fair projects and art. Library spelling bees conducted jointly with schools. Writing competitions – students read their essays on the school's public television channel. Battle of the Books – Students battle it out over trivia from five books they all read at school. Student-guided tours of the library. Librarian visits to talk about copyright, databases, citation, etc. Creating Science Kits to check out to families in order to bring science home. This works especially well with homeschooling families, who shouldn't be left out!

13 Links for more info! hts-on-school-partnership.html hts-on-school-partnership.html success-when-school-and-public-librarians-join- forces-kids-win/#_ success-when-school-and-public-librarians-join- forces-kids-win/

14 Science Kit Links! kits-available-for-checkout-at-texas-libraries/#_ kits-available-for-checkout-at-texas-libraries/ tsforLibraries/tabid/1574/Default.aspx tsforLibraries/tabid/1574/Default.aspx

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