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The World’s Deadliest Animals Created by Dylan Bernstein.

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Presentation on theme: "The World’s Deadliest Animals Created by Dylan Bernstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World’s Deadliest Animals Created by Dylan Bernstein

2 My Objective Create a webpage that provides information about deadly animals. Use the skills I have learned in CSI100 to make the site. Give a presentation explaining what can be found on my website.

3 Why Animals? I watch Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel all the time. Learning about wild animals is very interesting. I wanted to find out what were considered to be the deadliest animals.

4 Problems Downloading Sharepoint. Finding an applet. Getting consistent statistics on each of the animals. Making excel graphs.

5 What Can Be Found on My Page Proposal Top 10 Deadliest Animals Videos and info on those animals Excel graphs comparing the animals Photos Centipede applet Links to other related websites

6 The End Back to Homepage Deadly Animals

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