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F A Fermilab Roadmap Dave McGinnis May 28, 2007. f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis Timelines  Divide the road map into three parallel paths  ILC - Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "F A Fermilab Roadmap Dave McGinnis May 28, 2007. f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis Timelines  Divide the road map into three parallel paths  ILC - Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 f A Fermilab Roadmap Dave McGinnis May 28, 2007

2 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis Timelines  Divide the road map into three parallel paths  ILC - Energy Frontier  Fixed Target Physics - Intensity Frontier  Other High Energy colliders - LHC, Muon collider, VLHC  Interconnects  At certain decision points, the three paths can branch off to each other leverage common technology  The branch point decisions are mostly driven by: Risk Money Relevance  Divide time into phases  Place in time where decisions are made or milestones are met  ~4 Phases for the ILC  Roughly 2.5 years in length 2

3 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis Resource Limited ILC Roadmap  This road map is based on the assumption that the ILC project is resource (money) limited  It will consider  The evolution of the an ILC timeline at a delayed pace  A Fixed Target Physics timeline supported by high intensity proton beams  It assumes that the alternative high energy collider timeline is independent of the ILC and the Fixed Target Physics timelines 3

4 f Roadmap Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis R & DSystem TestIndustrializationConstruction Complex Reconfiguration 1 GeV Linac + new Booster 8 GeV Linac ILC High Intensity Protons LHCVLHC Muon Collider Other High Energy Colliders 4

5 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis ILC Timeline  Phase1: R&D at Fermilab  Focused on helping the GDE complete an EDR  Developing SCRF infrastructure  Phase 2: ILC Linac system test at Fermilab  Designed to develop critical requirements called out by the EDR Cavity Gradient RF distribution, etc.  Size of system test Big enough to test systems integration, reliability, etc. Small enough to be flexible if –significant obstacles are encountered –or changes required Probably much less than 1% 5 R & DSystem TestIndustrializationConstruction

6 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis ILC Timeline (continued)  Phase 3: ILC Cryo-module industrialization  The biggest challenge facing the ILC is the industrialization of the cryo-modules  Fermilab should be the center for producing Cryo-modules Fermilab is the center for integration of Cryo-module components –Cavities from Germany –Couplers from Timbuktu, etc. Avoid wasteful duplication of effort Fermilab assembles, tests and commissions the crymodules  A reasonable goal for industrialization would be to increase the number of cryo-modules by one unit each year. At the end of three years there would be 6 modules which might be enough for a system test At the end of eight years there would be 36 cryo-modules (~2% of the ILC) 6 R & DSystem TestIndustrializationConstruction

7 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis ILC Timeline (continued)  Phase 4: ILC construction  Money available  Risk minimized by systems test  Cost effect industrialization process transferred to industry 7 R & DSystem TestIndustrializationConstruction

8 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis Fixed Target Physics Timeline  Phase 1: Reconfiguration of current complex  Reconfiguring the antiproton production complex into a proton accumulator which permits 15Hz Booster Operation  20x10 16 protons/hour  Run a broadband physics program that is enabled by high intensity proton beams Upgrade Nova (SNUMI) Mu2e Split Kaon beam New Initiatives 8 Complex Reconfiguration 1 GeV Linac + new Booster 8 GeV Linac

9 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis Fixed Target Physics Timeline (continued)  Phase 2: 1 GeV Linac  Proton capability limited by current Booster  Build a 1 GeV Linac based on the HINS front-end technology  Build a new Booster Although the present Booster would benefit greatly from a 1 GeV linac, –The present Booster aperture would not maximize the potential of the 1 GeV linac –The present Booster would not position the 1 GeV Linac to feed a 7 GeV HINS add on »Wrong location »Wrong depth Twice the circumference of the present Booster –Will be used as a stripper ringer if the 1 GeV Linac is upgrade to an 8 GeV Linac  Fill the Recycler with three Phase 2 Booster Batches  Fill the Main Injector in a single turn  75x10 16 protons/hour 9 Complex Reconfiguration 1 GeV Linac + new Booster 8 GeV Linac

10 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis Fixed Target Physics Time Line (continued)  Phase 3: Upgrade the 1 GeV Linac to 8 GeV  Use the production of ILC cryo-modules to build HINS back-end  Build the Linac backwards away from the Main Injector Could be used as an ILC test bed Build tunnel in stages Move the 1 GeV Linac when the tunnel is completed  Use the Phase 2 Booster as a H- stripper ring  Fill the Recycler with three Phase 2 Booster Batches  Fill the Main Injector in a single turn  200x10 16 protons/hour 10 Complex Reconfiguration 1 GeV Linac + new Booster 8 GeV Linac

11 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis Phase 2 Booster  The phase 2 Booster is the exact same machine in both the 1 GeV Linac era and the 8 GeV Linac era  In the 1 GeV Linac era, it strips at 1 GeV and ramps to 8 GeV  In the 8 GeV Linac era, it strips at 8 GeV and coasts at 8 GeV  Phase 2 Booster solves three problems  In the 1 GeV Linac era, it removes the aperture bottleneck  In the 8 GeV Linac Era, as a 8 GeV stripper ring, it permits the delivery of protons at 8 GeV to other programs while the Main Injector is ramping.  In the 8 GeV Linac Era, as a 8 GeV stripper ring, since it is one third of the useable Main Injector circumference, it reduces required Linac Beam current by a factor of three so that the same ILC modulators and RF distribution can be used. The tradeoff is that it takes three 10Hz pulses to fill the Recycler instead of one (space charge issues) The 8 GeV beam power is reduced by a factor of three but still can produce 200x10 16 protons/hour (700kW at 8 GeV) 11 Complex Reconfiguration 1 GeV Linac + new Booster 8 GeV Linac

12 f Proton Flux Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis 12

13 f Proton Flux  Bunching factor of 1 is assumed for the space charge tune-shift  The 8 GeV Linac intensity is limited by ILC parameters  9 mA of linac beam current  A pulse length of 1mS  For 2.4 MW of beam power at 120 GeV and a 1.33 sec cycle time  The injection intensity into the Main Injector is 170x10 12 protons  Corresponds to a space charge tune shift of 0.07 at injection Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis Nov. 2006Proton PlanSNUMI1 GeV Linac New Booster 8 GeV Linac Batch Intensity4.1 10.521.056.3x10 12 Repetition Rate5.39.013.510.0 Hz Inj. Energy400 1000 8000MeV Inj. Emittance10 20  mm-mrad Inj. Tune Shift0.206 0.205 0.023 8 GeV flux27.847.270.8134.4268.8720.0kW 13

14 f Proton Beam Power* Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis 14

15 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis Summary  Three parallel lines:  ILC (Energy Frontier)  Fixed Target Physics (Intensity Frontier)  Other HEP colliders  Focus the ILC effort in the industrialization of cryo-modules  Build HINS in a staged approach using cryo-modules developed for the ILC industrialization process  Phase 1:Reconfigure current complex  Phase 2: 1 GeV HINS front end Linac + new Booster  Phase 3: 1 GeV HINS front end + 7 GeV ILC like Linac + new Booster as an 8 GeV stripping ring  The Phase 2 Booster/stripping ring solves three problems  As a Booster, it removes the aperture bottleneck of the current Booster  As a 8 GeV stripper ring, it permits the delivery of protons at 8 GeV a high duty factor (700kW)  As a 8 GeV stripper ring, it reduces the required charge in the linac for a 2.5MW 120 GeV beam to the design charge of the ILC 15

16 f Explanatory Slides Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis

17 f 17 Present Fermilab Proton Source  The FNAL Linac accelerates H- to 400 MeV  The FNAL Booster accelerates protons to 8 GeV.  The 8 GeV protons are used for MiniBooNE and to feed the Main Injector.  The Main Injector accelerates protons to 120 GeV.  The MI protons are used to make antiprotons (Collider) and neutrinos (MINOS).

18 f Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis 18 Present Fermilab Antiproton Source  The Tevatron Collider uses three antiproton source rings  Debuncher  Accumulator  Recycler.  At the end of Run 2, all three of these rings become available  The NOVA project will convert the Recycler into a slip-stacking ring so that the Main Injector can be filled in a single turn  Main Injector cycle time goes from 2.1 sec to 1.33 sec

19 f Multi-Turn Injection for Proton Sources  Because a linac is a single pass accelerator, the amount of beam current that a linac can accelerate is limited by the power supplied by the klystrons(Ohms law)  The total charge that a linac can accelerate is given by the beam current multiplied by the pulse length  ILC is 9mA x 1mS = 56x10 12 electrons  2.5MW at 120 GeV / 1.33 sec = 170x10 12 protons  170x10 12 protons= 3 x 9mA x 1mS  Current proton sources wrap the linac beam many turns around a Booster Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis 19

20 f Multi-Turn Injection and H- Stripping  Proton Source linacs accelerate H- ions (proton + two electrons) which act effectively as negatively charged protons  The H- beam and the circulating proton beam in the Booster merge at a injection magnet  The merged beams would diverge again if pass through a second magnet  A thin carbon foil inserted between the two magnets strips the two electrons from the proton  After the stripping is completed, the beam is pulled away from the stripping foil Fermilab Roadmap - McGinnis 20

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