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H1 and ZEUS Structure functions at HERA α s and PDFs Summary/Outlook Tomáš Laštovička (H1 collaboration) DESY Zeuthen, Charles University Prague at LLWI2003,

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Presentation on theme: "H1 and ZEUS Structure functions at HERA α s and PDFs Summary/Outlook Tomáš Laštovička (H1 collaboration) DESY Zeuthen, Charles University Prague at LLWI2003,"— Presentation transcript:

1 H1 and ZEUS Structure functions at HERA α s and PDFs Summary/Outlook Tomáš Laštovička (H1 collaboration) DESY Zeuthen, Charles University Prague at LLWI2003, Lake Louise, Canada Structure function measurements and what they tell us about PDFs and the strong coupling constant

2 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 2/22 H1 and ZEUS at HERA HERA at DESY, Hamburg ep accelerator ring, 27.5 x 920 GeV circumference: 6.3km 4 experiment halls H1 ZEUS

3 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 3/22 H1 and ZEUS experiments nearly aparatus delivering data since early 90ies recently both experiments upgraded 2

4 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 4/22 Deep Inelastic Scattering Bjorken scaling variable: Centre of mass energy squared: Inelasticity scaling variable: Four-momentum transfer squared:

5 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 5/22 Dominant contribution Sizeable only at high y (y>~0.6) Contribution only important at high Q 2 Cross-sections and Structure Functions NC Cross Section: CC Cross Section: CC Reduced cross section: NC Reduced cross section:

6 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 6/22 DIS slang reminder low Q 2 - transition domain from non-perturbative domain to deep inelastic domain strong coupling is large, limits of pQCD low x (high y) - driven by gluons sea (confinement) region longitudinal str. function F L unique acceptance by H1 high x (low y) - driven by quarks valence quark region fixed target experiments high Q 2 - strong coupling is relatively small pQCD calculations reliable xF 3 and CC enter the game at large Q 2

7 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 7/22 Kinematic plane coverage   covered almost to the limits of phase space   compared to fixed target experiments, measurements extend to high Q 2 and high y by more than 2 orders of magnitude

8 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 8/22  F 2 is not calculable from the first principles  Various theoretical predictions a decade ago  during its running HERA made an impressive progress  - directly related to quark densities The Structure Function F 2 1993 2000

9 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 9/22 The Structure Function F 2

10 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 10/22 Scaling violations of F 2   at low x driven by gluons   described by QCD: DGLAP evolution equations   many open questions:   does F 2 saturate? when gluon density is large -> gluon fusion   low Q 2 region   QCD analysis digests quarks and gluon densities from fits to F 2 (parametrised at an initial scale, then DGLAP evolution takes over) e.g.

11 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 11/22 CC and NC measurements  Standard model describes both NC and CC very well over a large range of Q 2  Electroweak unification at about M Z 2 scale  e + and e - cross sections different due to different quark contribution and helicity structure of EW interactions

12 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 12/22 xF 3 and F L measurements xF 3 errors dominated by stat. errors, higher luminosity needed F L not measured directly, runs at different beam energies needed

13 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 13/22 PDF fits and the strong coupling  Choice of data sets used  Treatment of experimental systematic uncertainties  Q 0 2 starting scale  Q 2 min of data included in fit  Renormalisation / factorisation scales  Choice of densities to parameterise  Allowed functional form of PDF parameterisation  Cuts to limit analysis to perturbative phase space  Treatment of heavy quarks  etc... QCD analyses require many choices to be made Should be reflected in PDF uncertainty:

14 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 14/22 Results on the strong coupling constant EPJ C21(01)33 H1 0.1150 +- 0.0017(exp) + 0.0009 - 0.0007(model) H1 + BCDMS precise data if: systematíc errors are not fitted: +0.0005 NMC replaces BCDMS 0.116+-0.003 (exp) 4 light flavours: +0.0003 BCDMS deuteron data added: 0.1158 +- 0.0016 (exp) large chi 2 variations if Q 2  (¼.. 4) Q 2 renormalisation scale:+-0.005 (H1)  (½.. 2) : +- 0.004 (ZEUS) not included in error ZEUS 0.1166 +- 0.0008(unc) +- 0.0032(corr) +- 0.0036(norm) +- 0.0018(model) p:BCDMS,NMC,E665 d:NMC,E665 d/p: NMC xF3: CCFR systematíc errors are not allowed to vary in chi2 minimisation Q2>2.5 GeV 2, W2>20GeV 2, RT-VFNS, b(uv)=1/2, b(dv)=1/2 fit alphas, xg, uv, dv, sea, dbar-ubar (MRST) if fixed flavour scheme is used: +0.0010 Phys.Rev. D67(03)

15 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 15/22 Parton distribution functions from NLO QCD fits (ZEUS)   xg and Sea distributions determined by low x / Q 2 HERA F 2 data   xu v determined from high x NC data   xd v determined from high x CC e + data dvdv uvuv Sea, g

16 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 16/22 CC and NC cross sections are sensitive only to U, antiU, D,antiD (F2N has c-s admixture) H1+BCDMS H1 only u v, d v, sea are replaced by the observables ! possible to determine PDFs with H1 data alone (with assumption on sea symmetry) Parton distribution functions from NLO QCD fits (H1) H1 ICHEP02

17 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 17/22 Parton distribution functions from NLO QCD fits H1 vs ZEUS comparison of PDFs independent fits, different approaches only experimental errors! (matter of choice) ~3% ~10%

18 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 18/22 NLO gluon momentum density H1 EPJ C21(01)33 fixed flavour number scheme Laenen, Riemersma, Smith, vanNeerven needs precision data at low Q 2, all x! needs precision F L measurement!

19 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 19/22 New low Q 2 measurements low Q 2 1999 dedicated run Transition region between perturbative and non-perturbative kinematic range shifted vertex 2000 run low Q 2 x-section and F 2 determination at low x

20 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 20/22 New measurements at low Q 2, small x Extended phase space: Data fill the gap in pre- cision measurements around Q 2 ~1GeV 2 and extend phase space to higher y at all Q 2 (till 12 GeV 2 )  r changes behavior at high y (small x)  F L signature (even at very low Q 2 ) Data with Q 2  0: Valuable for studying underlying dynamics of DIS → γp

21 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 21/22 Rise of F 2 towards low x   H1 / ZEUS / NMC data used to fit Q 2 dependencies for x<0.01 :   Behaviour is changing at around 1 GeV 2   Theory expects λ to reach value of ~0.08 for Q 2 → 0   No sign of saturation at small x observed (yet)

22 Tomas Lastovicka, LLWI 2003 22/22 First phase of HERA running delivered many interesting results Precision of ~2−3 % achieved for F 2 The inclusive DIS data at HERA are confronted with NLO QCD analysesQCD (the DGLAP equations) is able to describe all the cross section data: e + p, e - p, NC, CC in a wide kinematical range: both Q 2 & x covering 5 orders of magnitude extracted from DIS data is competetive with the world average Fits allow HERA data to constrain PDFs HERA 2 (after luminosity upgrade): high precision xF 3 direct measurement of F L The next important step: e-d runs ( d v /u v at high x), HERA 3 ?! Summary (concluding remarks)

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