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Presentation on theme: "THE FALL OF ROME AND THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE The beginning of the Dark Ages."— Presentation transcript:


2 VIDEO: THE MYSTERIOUS DARK AGES   This video will act as a foundation of knowledge for our studies this year.  We will watch it in parts and answer questions to solidify our understanding of the events of the time.

3 QUESTION ONE – (UP TO 9:00 IN THE VIDEO)  What are some of the pre-cursors to the sacking of Rome by Alaric in 410 AD?  Discussion: How did these things contribute to the weakening of the Roman Empire?  Explain (in a method of your choice) how and why Rome fell.

4 QUESTION TWO – (9:00 – 13:00)  What happened after the Fall of Rome?  Infrastructures, housing, buildings  Explain (in a method of your choice) what happened after the government ceased to exist and function  Things to consider  Why did these things happen?  For what reason would people behave this way?  Security and safety  Can you connect this to something in modern times (real or fictional)

5 ‘THE NEW EMPEROR’ – (13:00 – 23:15)  Christianity was less than 500 years old.  The Eastern Emperor, Constantine, legalized Christianity  The Christian followers counted into the millions by 500 AD  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Group Discussion Questions  At 18:20 “It made sense for Clovis to convert. (Christianity) gave him a new set of allies, and helped him cement his power.”  What does this mean?  Why would religion help bind people together?  How are people bound together today? What means keep us together?

6 THE EASTERN EMPIRE – (23:15 – 32:00)  535 AD  The Western Empire has fallen into disrepair, but the Eastern Empire thrived  Constantinople  Justinian  Probably don’t need this section

7 QUESTION 3 – (32:00 – 37:00)  538 AD – Justinian is trying to reunite the Western and Eastern Roman Empire  His soldiers continue to conquer and take back lands  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  A ‘Roman Lake’ and a ‘Global Village’ have the same meaning.  Explain the terms meaning  Give examples of both a Roman Lake and a Global Village to show your understanding.

8 BUBONIC PLAGUE – (35:00 – 39:30)  Bubonic Plague (36:00) – May of 542 AD, the plague took hold in the water front. Within 4 months it infected half of the city.  How did it start?  How did it get there?  How would it spread?  Connect this event to modern times.  About 1/3 of the world was lost. Travelled as far as Britain, in the west.

9 ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!  The world has been infected with a mutant virus that is creating zombies!  Your team if scientists and historians must find out how we can save humanity. You must create a presentation to answer the following questions (and include any other you come up with in your research)…

10 SPREAD OF DISEASE  How does a plague start and spread from place to place (think globally and locally)?  Investigate cases from the ancient past, North American indigenous populations, and an example from the past 100 years.

11 INVASION  The zombies will invade our cities and our homes. We must learn from the past to protect ourselves.  Report on the kinds of tactics that invaders use to attack enemies. Look at the Vikings, the Spanish, Central American societies such as the Aztec and the Maya. Give an example from modern history as well.

12 GOVERNMENT  What happens when the government falls? What can we expect from society? What kind of leadership will rise in it’s place.  I suggest you check out the term, Barbarian.  Also, find an example from recent history…perhaps the Gulf War.  Are there any examples from literature or media that you can use to illustrate your example?

13 INFRASTRUCTURES  When the zombies attack, what will happen to our infrastructures? City streets, lights, water supplies, grocery stores, bridges, police, fire, schools, and everything else we rely on to run our daily lives?  You need to investigate what happens when invaders take a city. What happens to the infrastructures?  Look at the Fall of Rome, any war in the 2oth century and one other example you can find.  Report back to tell us what to expect will happen.

14 SOCIAL STRUCTURE  What will happen to society? Will the structure collapse?  Investigate and report on what has happened with other societies after an invasion.  Look at the tribes of ancient Britain, the Maya, the Aztec, the Inca, North American Indigenous peoples, the people of Europe in WWII, or the people of Vietnam, Cambodia, India or others you can find.

15 LAW AND ORDER  When the government goes, and the infrastructures fail, what happens to law and order?  Report on what will happen to the agencies that protect us, and what will come in its place.  Investigate the feudal system of justice and the justice systems of barbarian tribes.  Find examples from modern times when people have ignored the rule of law (ie: riots, protests, etc).

16 REMEMBER…  Make connections to various periods in time and places in the world.  Be creative, but factual. This is a fictional assignment, BUT your work is research based on facts.  DO NOT WAIT to ask questions or get clarification!  Use you class time wisely.  Use a variety of sources and tools for research and display.

17 RUBRICS  You will be evaluated on the rubrics that apply to your type of presentation.  They include:  The Project Marking Rubric  The Visual Display Rubric  And/or The Oral Presentation Rubric  All rubrics are available on the website and in our file box.

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