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A third-person zombie shooter game from the developers of Space Invaders.

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Presentation on theme: "A third-person zombie shooter game from the developers of Space Invaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 A third-person zombie shooter game from the developers of Space Invaders.

2  Shinra Corp. is drilling for oil on an island just outside the coast of Lake City. Bruce, a typical American is late for work and is hasting through the morning traffic. He’s late for his jet-pack demonstration, an invention that’s finally going to finance Bruce early retirement.

3  When he arrives to the island he meets a colleague, all covered in blood. The dying colleague tells Bruce that everyone is dead and there’s even dead people walking around in the city. “ZOMBIES MAN! ZOOOOMBIIES!!!” he cries out just before his eyes shut. Bruce tries to escape with his jetpack but soon realize that the jetpack quickly overheats and only works for short thrusts. Bruce now realizes that his only way to survive is to escape from the island.

4 Bruce: Middle aged American scientist at Shinra Corporation Working on a new invention, a jetpack for human transportation

5 By navigation Bruce through the 3D world you aid him in his conquest of slaughtering zombies You can use the jetpack for short thrusts to make a quick escape avoiding the zombies The goal is to make it to the otherside of the island and escape with some kind of boat


7  Gravity – Pulls Bruce down after either jumping or using the jetpack.  Velocity – Bruce, his jetpack, zombies and bullets uses velocity  Acceleration – Bruce, his jetpack, zombies and bullets uses acc.

8  Physics – thread  Update / Draw – threads A topic which will be handled later on

9  System Link – Lobby Data to send:  Players position  Players health  Collisions (bullets)

10  Blood

11  Skybox  Fog  Parallaxmapping  Water

12  Flocking among zombies  Behavior (if in range of Bruce, then attack. Otherwise stray)  Awareness (”if he run, I run”)

13  Iteration 1 - Game states - Use cases - Menu - Input  Iteration 2 - Draw objects - Movement - Camera - AI  Iteration 3 - More AI - Networking - Physics - Particle systems  Iteration 4 - More networking - Concurrent programming - Finalization

14 Network  Zombie random walk through network  Spawn position for zombies through network  Sync network (same picture on both displays) Overall  Put together all the pieces into a game

15 Usecase 1 – Create multiplayergame Scenario: 1. Player choose to play over Systemlink 2. Player choose to create a session 3. The system creates a game lobby 4. Player joins the lobby and awaits more players

16 Usecase 2 – Join a multiplayergame Scenario: 1. Player chooses to play over Systemlink 2. Player choose to find a existing session 3. The system joins a existing gamelobby 4. Player joins the lobby

17 Usecase 3 – End game Scenario: 1. Player chooses to end the game by navigating to ”End game” in the game menu 2. The system chooses a player to take over as host 3. The players game ends

18 Usecase 4 – Change setting Scenario: 1. Player clicks the ”Settings” menu 2. Player changes the desired settings 3. The system makes the settings 4. Player goes back to the main menu

19 Usecase 5 – Change setting (in game) Scenario: 1. Player press Start and choose Settings 2. Player changes the desired settings 3. The system makes the settings 4. Player goes back to the in game menu 5. Player choose to resume the game

20 Usecase 6 – Shoot Scenario: 1. Player presses the right trigger 2. Bruce fires his gun in the direction of the gun

21 Usecase 7 – Jump Scenario: 1. Player presses A 2. Bruce jumps into the air 3. The in game physics (gravity) drags Bruce down 4. Bruce happily land onto the ground

22 Usecase 8 – Aim Scenario: 1. Player tilts the right stick 2. The crosshair changes position on the screen

23 Usecase 9 – Steer Scenario: 1. Player tilts the left stick 2. Bruce moves in the direction which the player chose.

24 Usecase 10 – Fly Scenario: 1. Player presses the left trigger 2. Bruce uses his jetpack and gets a boost up in the air 3. The in game physics (gravity) drags Bruce down 4. Bruce happily land onto the ground

25 Usecase 11 – Switch weapon Scenario: 1. Player presses B 2. Bruce changes weapon

26 Questions?

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