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Clubs Formation U9 age group. S WW CD GK Formation 1-1-1-1 +2 Wide CM.

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Presentation on theme: "Clubs Formation U9 age group. S WW CD GK Formation 1-1-1-1 +2 Wide CM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clubs Formation U9 age group

2 S WW CD GK Formation 1-1-1-1 +2 Wide CM

3 Game Positions CC United has a different shape at the U9,11 and U13 age groups. The team shape expands and covers as much as the field as possible in possession of the ball and constricts without over committing reducing space for the opposition without the ball. Defining it as a shape allows players to move freely around the field, interchanging positions as long as the shape is maintained. This means that all field players have the opportunity to attack and must develop the all techniques to do so. It also means that each player must be comfortable in different areas of the field both defending (realizing where cover will come from) and attacking (realizing where support is located). At U9 and10 we only have 6 players on the field giving a basic introduction to the real game. At U9/10 we play a formation that is as close to the real game as possible in that we have 4 zones of player positions in Goalkeeper, defender, midfielder and forward. We also have wide player which is much needed as width is a vital part of the attacking principles as it creates space in the central areas of the field. Our formation at this age group causes us to lose games as others over power us with 2 defenders and 3 forwards. In focusing on scoring and winning they become direct eliminating team play and with us having 4 zones to play through we work harder on passing angles and as players are isolated we need the ability to dribble. At U9-11 we focus on development over results to aid team success at the older age groups Position Attribute 1Attribute 2Attribute 3Attribute 4Attribute 5Attribute 6 Goalkeeper Physical- StrengthPhysical-QuicknessPsychological- Bravery Physical – Coordination Technical- Passing Psychological- Confidence Defender Tactical – Direction of attack Technical – Long Passing Tactical – SupportingTactical- coveringTechnical- Heading Psychological – communication Flank player Tactical- positioningTechnical- DribblingTechnical –CrossingTactical – coveringTactical- supporting Midfielder Tactical – Direction of attack Technical – passing long and short Technical – comfort on the ball Tactical coveringTactical- Supporting Psychological - Communication Forward Tactical- PositioningTechnical ShootingPsychological- Confidence Physical – SpeedPhysical - Strength Technical – Passing short The Following slides show how the shape works both with and without the ball and with players understanding the roles of each position they will become more effective on the field.

4 Goalkeeper Defend: Provide cover to last defender- when we are in attack and play outside your penalty area when the back line and team pushes up to halfway line Dominate your box, stop balls from crosses and shots Communication (organize defense to prevent shots) Correct positioning based on position of ball and center of goal Attack: Be ready for a back pass when opponents play the ball long behind our back line Be ready for a quick transition to start the attack Awareness of outlet Look for the longest outlet 1 st Good distribution (throw-kick) RDLDCD RDLDCD RMLMCM S

5 Central Defender Defend: Mark attackers zonally (don’t get pulled out of position) Provide 1.Pressure when the ball is in your zone 2.Cover to the central midfield and outside Defenders 3.Balance when the forward is the 1 st defender Communicate to players in front and to the side Attack: Be ready to receive a pass off next line of players Be ready to support players 1 link away Be ready to play back to the goalkeeper when the ball is played behind Quality distribution away from trouble Middle link in diamond Be ready to switch play Be ready to follow your pass to make numerical advantage in the midfield zone

6 Midfielder Defend: Mark and track players in the central areas of the field Provide cover to the forward in front of central defender Provide cover inside of the field to the wide player when they defend in the midfield area of the field Provide good information Attack: Be available to receive a pass Provide support to defenders, strikers and flank players Pick the correct side of the field to attack based on how the opponents defend Supporting runs beyond striker Be aware of space to exploit Positional discipline – stay central Short and long passes be ready to switch play Communication – make sure all players keep their shape

7 Flank-player Defend: Mark and track runs of attackers in your area of field Provide cover to players in all central positions Provide balance when ball is on opposite side of field Attack: Provide an outlet, utilize full width of field Good communication when ball is passed inside Provide support to all central players Make sure that on goal kicks that you are wide and close to the goal Look to make forward runs without the ball Awareness of whether to cross or to dribble Take all throw ins on the side of the field

8 Striker Defend: Pressure on the ball-force defender’s to play towards their own goal Take advantage of defenders mistakes Channel play onto next defender Attack: Stay as far forward as possible- Play on the opponents last player Shoot on sight Movement off ball to support team mates Diagonal runs in front of defenders to move them Diagonal runs behind of defenders to get open

9 Formation 1-1-1 + 2 Wide And who they cover S F CM F CD GK

10 Defending our Left Roles Goalkeeper is standing on imaginary line between center of goal and ball. Providing loud communication to team Left Flank (LF) player is applying pressure to the ball carrier Defender (D) is providing cover for LF. If opponent gets past LF, D is to provide immediate pressure Right Flank (RF) player is in a position where he can provide cover to (D) and also see his wide opponent Midfielder (M) is ready to intercept cross or recover ball quickly if marking player tackles opponent. Stay aware of our strikers position Striker is looking for space to move into when we regain possession. GK LF RF D S M

11 Defending our Right Roles Goalkeeper is standing on imaginary line between center of goal and ball. Providing loud communication to team Right Flank (RF) player is applying pressure to the ball Defender (D) is providing cover for RF. If opponent gets past RF on the outside D is to provide immediate pressure Midfielder (M) is ready to intercept cross or recover ball quickly. M is also ready to pressure the ball if attacker dribbles the ball inside towards the middle of the field Striker is looking for space to move into when we regain possession. GK LF RF D S M

12 Defending our Center Roles Goalkeeper is standing on imaginary line between center of goal and ball, Providing loud communication to team Defender (D) applying pressure to the ball carrier Right Flank (RF) player and Left Flank (LF) player are providing cover for D. If opponent gets past D, RF or LF are to provide immediate pressure. RF is ready to step up based on (M)’s position Midfielder (M) is forcing opponent towards a specific side while remaining ready to recover ball quickly if 1 st defender tackles opponent. M is aware of strikers position Striker is looking for space to move into when we regain possession. The role of the 1 st defender is critical as he must be patient and not commit to allow the shot but also be prepared to recover to be a second defender to (RF) and (LF) GK LFRF D S M

13 Early Transition from Defense Roles Goalkeeper is standing on imaginary line between center of goal and ball. Defender (D) is possessing ball and looking for a fast pass to striker. If not available make quick safe outlet pass Right Flank (RF) player and Left Flank (LF) player are both looking to support the pass if it goes into (M) or space. Although they want to get forward they cannot risk leaving (D) isolated against 3 opponents Midfielder (M) is looking at checking into one of the pockets to receive a pass from (D). He needs to stay within the central area so as not to reduce the space of the oncoming wide players Striker (S) staying central and long to occupy the space and entice a defender. If he moves right or left he takes away the space of the advancing (RF) and (LF) GK LFRF D S M

14 Late Transition from Defense Roles Goalkeeper is standing on imaginary line between center of goal and ball. Defender (D) is forming the rear center of the defensive diamond shape. Shows Right Flank (RF) that he is available for support. Right Flank (RF) player moves the ball forward while forming the a corner in the defensive diamond shape. (RF) is Looking for quick pass to striker, if not available, carry the ball in to the space quickly Left Flank (LF) is providing the widest option but is slightly tucked inside in case the ball gets turned over and the opposition look to isolate (D) Midfielder (M) is filling the space in the middle of the field making up the diamond Striker is moving to create space and forcing opponents out of position while remaining aware of RF and opponents goalkeeper’s position. In this scenario as the forward is very close to the opponents goal space has been created for RF to dribble into. As RF is dribbling he must observe if the Striker becomes open as player 1 choses to defend or cover Striker GK LF RF D S M 1

15 Offensive Possession Roles Goalkeeper is standing on imaginary line between center of goal and ball. Providing loud communication and cover to Defender (D). Goalkeeper must cover the entire space behind the Defender Defender (D) is at the center of the field providing support for team mates while making sure opponents don’t get behind him. Right Flank (RF) and left flank (LF) are staying wide and open when they don’t have the ball. They form the corners in the offensive diamond shape. They are ready to either attack the space or deliver a cross into penalty area Midfielder (M) is forming the rear center of the offensive diamond shape. His first look is to try and thread a pass through to (S) as this will keep the defenders honest or result in an opportunity to shoot from closer in Striker is forming the forward center of the offensive diamond shape. Remaining aware of M, RF, LF and opponents goalkeeper’s position. GK LFRF D S M

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