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 Starter activity. Studty the picture of a typical Roman town – Wroxeter. Most native Britons lived in small farming communities. What was better about.

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Presentation on theme: " Starter activity. Studty the picture of a typical Roman town – Wroxeter. Most native Britons lived in small farming communities. What was better about."— Presentation transcript:

1  Starter activity. Studty the picture of a typical Roman town – Wroxeter. Most native Britons lived in small farming communities. What was better about this town?  what were some potential problems

2 Life in Roman towns To explain how Roman towns were organised & plan an ideal Roman town  Learning objectives  Key words: basilica aqueduct amphitheatre

3  Your task Around the room you will find information on different features you would be likely to find in a Roman town. Around the room you will find information on different features you would be likely to find in a Roman town. In your books you must explain In your books you must explain What the feature is What the feature is Why it would be beneficial for a town to have it Why it would be beneficial for a town to have it  Note down any potential problems with the features, e.g. they might cause health problems  Note down any potential problems with the features, e.g. they might cause health problems

4  Task You have been asked to plan a new Roman town, however, the town can only afford for it to have 5 features. You have been asked to plan a new Roman town, however, the town can only afford for it to have 5 features. Create a plan for this new town including the features you have chosen Create a plan for this new town including the features you have chosen Label the features and explain why you have chosen them to go in your town Label the features and explain why you have chosen them to go in your town  Extension: Explain why you have left certain features out.

5 Needs improvingSatisfactoryWOW factor! Includes at least 2 of the key features Limited uses of technical vocab. Some speakers speak with clarity although it needs to be more of a group effort Includes most if not all of the key elements of the task Uses some well- chosen technical terms Presenters speak with clarity and nearly all contribute equally Includes all the key features of the task: location, main buildings, how money will be raised & extension question Uses detailed technical vocab., e.g. aqueduct, amphitheatre Presenters speak with clarity & confidence & share the workload equally

6  Extension task Conduct some research into Roman Canterbury. How similar or different was Roman Canterbury to the towns you have studied today?

7  Homework A Roman WAG is looking to buy an expensive Roman villa in Kent. Imagine you have been asked to produce an estate agent’s brochure on Lullingstone Villa. Use your notes and your own research to explain why the property would be so desirable to a prospective Roman buyer in the fourth century AD.

8 Life in Roman towns To explain how Roman towns were organised & plan an ideal Roman town  Learning objectives  Key words: basilica aqueduct amphitheatre

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