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Populations Math Day Disclaimer: Mr Woelke is not very good at math.

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Presentation on theme: "Populations Math Day Disclaimer: Mr Woelke is not very good at math."— Presentation transcript:

1 Populations Math Day Disclaimer: Mr Woelke is not very good at math.

2 How to Calculate Birth Rate Births per year total population 1000 CountryBirths Per YearPopulation Sweden113,1779,490,000 Canada384,45934,342,380 Afghanistan1,088,56831,108,077 China16,040,0001,333,000,000 USA4,130,165304,000,000

3 How To Calculate Death Rate Deaths per year Total Population 1000 CountryDeathsTotal Population Canada256,96534,342,380 China9,500,0001,333,000,000 Country A1,567,312280,541,000 Country B34536,000

4 Calculating Natural Increase (Crude Births Crude Deaths) “Population Increase” (Births Deaths) (Immigration Emigration) CountryBirthDeathPopulation Canada384,459256,96534,342,380 Country A378,899147,23112,311,090 Country B1,234,777671,900651,004,701 Country C456,201494,82243,771,294

5 Growth Rate Populations can be compared from one time to another time. Example 2003 Pop = 23,345 2007 Pop = 27,983 27,983 - 23,345 = 4638 4638 / 23,345 = 20% growth rate / 4 years = 5% growth per year.

6 Doubling Time 70 Growth Rate Example Country A has a growth rate of 4.5% how long until this population doubles in size. Country B has a growth rate of 0.045% how long before this population doubles in size.

7 Why Doubling time is important Dalian is expecting to double its population though urbanization (immigration) in the next 33 years. How could city planners use this information?

8 Dependency Ratio 0-14 + 65 and over / Working population * 100 Dependency loads of higher than 35% are high Dependency loads higher than 45% are extreme CountryChildren 0-14Adults 15-65Elderly 65 + Country A345,0002,789,000212,000

9 Assignment Choose 2 Countries 1.Find their Crude death rate and Birth rate (show your calculations for at least 1) 2.Find the natural increase of both countries (show your calculations for at least 1) 3.Find the doubling time for the 2 nations 4.Find the dependency Ratio for the two countries 5.Compare and contrast the two countries in a short paragraph

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