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Filled With Violence Why People Hurt Others and Themselves.

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Presentation on theme: "Filled With Violence Why People Hurt Others and Themselves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Filled With Violence Why People Hurt Others and Themselves

2 The Earth Is Filled With Violence Terrorism Car-jackings Gang violence Organized anarchy School shootings, attacks and assaults Domestic violence (spouse, infants, children, elderly)

3 Why Are People Violent? Their heart and thoughts are corrupt (Gen. 6:5,11,13) –Violence begins in the heart (Mk. 7:21-22) –Corrupt concerning the value of mankind (Gen. 1:26-27; 9:6; Mt. 7:12; 22:39) –Corrupt concerning God and His Word (Rom. 1:30; “violent” in the NKJV)

4 Why Are People Violent? Their emotions are not kept in control (Gen. 4:5-8) –Emotions can be controlled! –Anger, hatred, jealousy, envy, pride, and stress are often not controlled (1 Jn. 4:11-12)

5 Why Are People Violent? Their minds and lives are fed with violence (Prov. 4:17) –They become what they feed on (Prov. 4:23; 6:18; 23:7; Mic. 2:1; 6:12; 7:3) –America has changed, violence is glamorized! –Violence is fueled by… Music Sports Internet Video games Television and movies Friends, drugs, alcohol

6 What Can Be Done? The answer is not found in… –Stricter gun control –School uniforms –Metal detectors –After-school programs –Etc., etc.

7 What Can Be Done? Homes opposed to violence (Eph. 6:4) –Parents, stop violent behavior early on (Psa. 58:1-3) –Control the “entertainment” in your home and outside (Psa. 1:1ff; 101:3; Phil. 4:8) Governments opposed to violence (Prov. 20:8) Local churches opposed to violence (Psa. 11:5)

8 What Can Be Done? Learn how to deal with conflict (Rom. 12:17 - 13:10) 1. Do not return evil for evil (walk away, get help, count to 10, soft answer) 2. Work for peace when possible 3. Let God’s vengeance work 4. Return good for evil 5. Let civil government work 6. Love your neighbor as yourself

9 Filled With Violence Don’t be lead astray by the violent person (Prov. 3:31; 16:29) God is against the violent person (Psa. 11:5; 73:6ff)

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