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Perfect Encouragement James Probably written between AD 44-47 “NT book of Proverbs” 108 verses Resembles Sermon on Mount A practical training guide for.

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Presentation on theme: "Perfect Encouragement James Probably written between AD 44-47 “NT book of Proverbs” 108 verses Resembles Sermon on Mount A practical training guide for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perfect Encouragement James Probably written between AD 44-47 “NT book of Proverbs” 108 verses Resembles Sermon on Mount A practical training guide for Christians  They needed encouragement

2 I. Trials, Ja.1:2-4 How to react? All joy, 2 Knowledge, 3 Perseverance, 4a Expect blessings, 4b

3 What blessings? That you may be… PerfectComplete Lacking nothing

4 I. Trials II. Gifts, James 1:16-17

5 Guard against self-deception Why? 1.Some think God gives good and bad gifts – Mt.13:28 – Ja.1:14-15 2. Use them or lose them – Mt.25 – Muscles; Music; Knowledge

6 1. God gives good and bad 2. Use them or lose them 3. Do not blame failures on God – Mt.25 4. Do not take credit for your success – 1 Co.4:7 5. Do not use them selfishly – Ja.5:1-6

7 Every good and perfect gift, 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning Source; 1 Jn.1:5 Sun rises and sets; God does not; He is the same at every season

8 I. Trials II. Gifts, James 1:16-17 III. Word, 1:21-25

9 Hearing alone is not enough The mere hearer – Deceives himself, 22 Remains as he is, 23-24 Is not blessed, 25

10 The perfect word (v.25) is... Infallible, Ps.19:7 Inerrant, Pr.30:5-6 Authoritative, 2 T.3:16-17 Complete, 2 T.3:16-17 Sufficient, 2 T.3:17 Spiritual, Ja.1:18, 21

11 Be doers of the word (22, 25) Do what? Study it honestly Apply it fully Obey it immediately Teach it faithfully Defend it courageously

12 I. Trials II. Gifts, James 1:16-17 III. Word, 1:21-25 IV. Faith, 2:22

13 Facts About Faith (Ja.2) : Important Important: salvation, 14 Inadequate Inadequate: dead, 15-17 Invisible Invisible: useless, 18 Incomplete Incomplete: demonic, 19 Illustrations Illustrations: 20-26

14 Faith Illustrated (20-26) 1. Abraham and Isaac, 20-23 Faith w/o works is dead; look at Abraham (20) Justified by works (Ja.2:21): offered Isaac Abraham by faith (Hb.11:17): offered Isaac

15 1. Abraham 2. Anyone, 24. Justified by works Faith only Faith only is not saving faith 3. Rahab, 25 4. Body, 26 Ja.2:25 by works Rahab... Hb.11:31 by faith Rahab…

16 I. Trials II. Gifts, James 1:16-17 III. Word, 1:21-25 IV. Faith, 2:22 V. Tongue, 3:1-2

17 Some wanted to be teachers… Without realizing the responsibility Lv.10:1-3 perfect The perfect man = mature; fully developed Controls his tongue (v.2) – Watches little things (3-5) Untamable (7-8) Consistent (9-12)

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