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Population. 1.What are the characteristics of population? 2. population density – number of organisms per unit area 2. dispersion – the pattern of spacing.

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Presentation on theme: "Population. 1.What are the characteristics of population? 2. population density – number of organisms per unit area 2. dispersion – the pattern of spacing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population

2 1.What are the characteristics of population? 2. population density – number of organisms per unit area 2. dispersion – the pattern of spacing within an area 3. 3 types 4. uniform 4. clumped - herds 4. random

3 2. population ranges – places where animals can live 1.What are some limiting factors? 2. density-independent 3. any factor that does not depend on the number of members in the population 3. abiotic and include weather events 3. examples – flooding, drought, extreme cold and heat, tornadoes, hurricanes, fire

4 3. density-dependent 4. any factor that depends on the number of members in the population 4. biotic factors 4. examples – predation, disease, parasites, competition 2. Population growth rate 3. how fast a given population grows

5 3. 2 types of models 4. Exponential growth

6 4. Logistic growth

7 4. carrying capacity – maximum number of individuals that an environment can support 2. Reproductive patterns 3. 2 groups 4. r-strategy – short life spans and produce as many offspring as possible 4. examples – fruit fly, mouse, insects

8 4. k-strategy – large organism that has a long life span 4. produce few offspring 4. examples – elephants

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