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Ecology & Evolution. 7 billion people and growing.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology & Evolution. 7 billion people and growing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology & Evolution

2 7 billion people and growing

3 Logistic growth Q 6, 7, 8 Population growth Add this question at the end: List three abiotic or biotic factors which set limits to population increase

4 What sets a limit to population increase? Density-dependent, biotic factors – mortality due to disease – mortality due to predation – intraspecific competition Density-independent, abiotic factors – mortality due to weather – mortality due to natural disasters: fire, hurricane, floods, earthquakes

5 Logistic growth curve Exponential growth phase – Species doubles per unit time – No limiting factors: nutrients, oxygen, space in ample supply Transitional phase – Population growth continues but at a slower rate – Limiting factors slow growth rate: nutrients, oxygen, space in short supply Plateau phase – Population growth slows to zero – Limiting factors inhibit population growth: nutrients, oxygen, space in short supply Carrying capacity (K) = maximum number of individuals in a species that can sustainably be supported in an environment

6 Factors affecting population size Natality: birth rate Immigration: rate at which individuals move into a population Mortality: death rate Emigration: rate at which individuals move out of the population P = (N + I) – (M + E)


8 Logistic growth curve Exponential growth phase – N + I > M + E Transitional phase – N + I > M + E Plateau phase – N + I = M + E

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