Technology Workshop Faith Islamic Academy June 8, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Workshop Faith Islamic Academy June 8, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Workshop Faith Islamic Academy June 8, 2009

2 Introduction: Smart Board Interactive Wireless Pads LCD projector Session 1: Excel Kidspiration Session 2: Timeliner Moodle

3 Introduction: Smart Board Interactive Wireless Pads LCD projector

4 Smart Board Interactive whiteboards

5 Interactive Wireless Pads InterWrite Pad Promethean Airliner Rechargeable Interactive wireless pad with pen Use with InterWrite Board/Smart Board or Projector and screen Can project computer images

6 Advantages Teach from anywhere in the classroom-very mobile Interactive pen provides full mouse capability Can have multiple pads at one time in the classroom for student participation

7 Disadvantages Takes time to learn all the features available on the pad Looking at screen when writing or using pen (stylus) can take some practice Sometimes lines appear before pen has touched pad or command is slightly delayed

8 LCD Projector LCD-Liquid Crystal Display Project multimedia onto a large screen for view by entire classroom.

9 Advantages All students can easily view Project videos on a large screen Project computer monitor for class lessons Project microscopic images Remote controlled

10 Disadvantages Need to control natural light for best viewing Cost of light bulb Maybe some “Screen door effect” in some models or media

11 Session 1 Excel Create and format spreadsheets Kidspiration Create graphic organizers by combining pictures, text, and spoken word

12 Microsoft Office Excel Create Spreadsheets Create colorful, professional looking charts, graphs, tables

13 Tutorial excel/

14 Kidspiration

15 Getting Started

16 Create webs or Venn Diagrams

17 Symbol Library

18 Tutorial http://movies.atomiclearning. com/k12/freekidspc2x.shtml/

19 Examples


21 Ideas em/kidspiration/collection.html

22 Session 2 Timeliner C reate, illustrate, and print timelines Moodle Online collaborative community

23 Timeliner

24 6 Styles of Timelines y 1. Standard 2. Yearly/Monthly 3. Weekly 4. Daily 5. Geological 6. Custom

25 Data View

26 Add a Graphic

27 Display in the classroom

28 Graphics and Multimedia Add Graphics, Notes, Pictures, Movies, Sound, or a Web link to any event.

29 Across the Curriculum



32 Features Easy to use for Primary grade students Can create timelines in any size from one page to banner length Graphics and Multimedia can be added to any event Timelines can be displayed vertically or horizontally Timelines can be merged to compare events happened

33 Examples



36 Timeline Overview Short video illustrating features available in Timeliner 5.0

37 Moodle Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It has become very popular among educators around the world as a tool for creating online dynamic web sites for their students. To work, it needs to be installed on a web server somewhere, either on one of your own computers or one at a web hosting company.

38 Primary Classroom

39 Discussion Forums

40 Interactive Discussion

41 Accessed from School or Home

42 Ideas Ohio Treasure Chest of Technology Resources Online collection of thousands of Internet resources High quality, educationally sound, teacher- reviewed, free Web resources specifically aligned to and support Ohio Academic Standards

43 So Many Possibilities Enjoy!

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