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Dealing With Common Injuries Unit 8 Integrating skills.

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2 Dealing With Common Injuries Unit 8 Integrating skills

3 What are common injuries? Common injuries are accidents that easily happen at home. We may not be able to prevent them from happening, but everyone should know what to do if an accident happens.

4 Listening How many kinds of common injuries are mentioned in this passage? animal bites burns cutspoisoning 4

5 You are a doctor,tell your classmates how to deal with these 4 common injuries. Now please finish the following table.

6 Common injuries animal bites burns cuts Wash the wound with cold running water. See a doctor as soon as possible Cool the area of skin Wash it under the cold tap Cover the wound with bandage / clean cloth See a doctor if necessary Wash the area of cut Dry it Cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth Stop bleeding poisoning Get him or her to breathe & spit out poison Call for an ambulance Search for any poison

7 What should you do in the following situations? First, … Second, … Third, … Finally, …

8 Other common injuries 1. How to deal with nose bleeding Stay calm. Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. Sit up and bend the head slightly forward. Pinch 捏 both nostrils 鼻孔 shut using a thumb and forefinger. Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.

9 Cool the burnt area with clean towels dipped 浸 in cool water. Rest in a cool, quiet room. Find a comfortable position. Drink plenty of water. Put sunglasses on and cover sunburned skin when you go in the sun again so you don't get burned more. 2. Sunburns

10 Wash your hands. Twist a piece of tissue 棉签, moisten the tip with tap water, and gently try to touch it with the tip. If the foreign object is under the upper lid 眼睑, look down and pull the upper lid away from the eyeball by gently grabbing the eyelashes 睫毛. Do not rub 揉 the eye. Gently wash the eye with cool water. 3. To remove a foreign object 异物 in the eye:

11 Phrases: 1.1 尽可能小心 1.1 防范事故的发生 1.6 下面是关于的建议 2.2 尽快就医 5.3 设法恢复其呼吸 5.4 吐出 5.4 叫救护车 5.4 搜查房间内看有没有 do one’s best to be careful prevent bad things from happening here is some advice for see a doctor as soon as possible get sb to breathe spit out call for an ambulance search the room for sth

12 Write a paragraph in which you tell the reader how to give first aid.Choose one of the accident scenes above. Try to use these words first, then, after and finally.


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