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Creating Dynamic Value: Program Marketing and Two-Tiered Solicitation and Selection TRB Representatives / Annual RAC Meeting July 22-26, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Dynamic Value: Program Marketing and Two-Tiered Solicitation and Selection TRB Representatives / Annual RAC Meeting July 22-26, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Dynamic Value: Program Marketing and Two-Tiered Solicitation and Selection TRB Representatives / Annual RAC Meeting July 22-26, 2012

2 Annual Research Program u Annual solicitation / new projects (2/3+ program funding) u University Transportation Centers (2) u Transportation Pooled Fund Program u National Cooperative Highway Research Program u Transportation Research Board u Local Technical Assistance Program u Demonstration project program (since 2009) 2

3 Annual Solicitation u Requests for problem statements – October u Prioritized problem needs statements – January u Program development and internal review – February u FHWA review – February/March u Planned program – March/April u Contract new projects – July (fiscal year start) 3

4 Functional Areas u Construction u Environmental Management u Geotechnical u Maintenance u Materials u Planning u Public Transportation u Roadway Design u Safety u Structures u Surveying and Mapping u Traffic Engineering and Operations/ITS 4

5 Know your customer. 5

6 Make sure the customer knows you. 6

7 Be ready and able to respond quickly. 7

8 Two-tiered solicitation and selection u Requests for problem statements – October u Prioritized problem needs statements – January u Program development and internal review – February u FHWA review – February/March u Planned program – March/April u Contract tier one projects – July (fiscal year start) u Release tier-two projects in 3 rd /4 th quarters per available funds u Tier two projects compete against mid-cycle needs based on urgency/safety/savings 8

9 Implementing the process u Work with FHWA Division Office u Increase contingency funding u Continue to meet with management u Be aware of their needs u Be a solution provider u Structure mid-cycle request requirements to allow proper evaluation against tier-two projects u Track and market successes 9

10 Questions? Research Center 850-414-4615

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