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Lesson 13 - Part 2 WW II -- Global War, Global Strategy Japan’s Road to War.

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1 Lesson 13 - Part 2 WW II -- Global War, Global Strategy Japan’s Road to War

2 Events September 3, 1939 Britain, France declare war on Germany “Phony war” begins Germany invades Denmark & Norway Germany invades Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg April 9, 1940 May 10, 1940 September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland May 27-29, 1940 Evacuation of Dunkirk

3 Dunkirk May 26-31, 1940

4 Dunkirk Trapped on the beach

5 German Halt at Dunkirk German army had little amphibious experience Looked at the Channel as a wall Didn’t believe British could possibly get away Panzer units arrived well ahead of the infantry Were exhausted, out of supply Called halt to rest, resupply, allow infantry to catch up

6 German Halt at Dunkirk German army had little amphibious experience Looked at the Channel as a wall Didn’t believe British could possibly get away Panzer units arrived well ahead of the infantry Were exhausted, out of supply Called halt to rest, resupply, allow infantry to catch up Luftwaffe hadn’t gotten much credit in battle Asked for and received permission to destroy BEF British saw Channel as a highway - organized evacuation

7 Miracle of Dunkirk “The Small Ships”

8 Miracle of Dunkirk 300,000+ rescued Equipment abandoned

9 Evacuation at Dunkirk

10 The troops were saved to fight another day.. but their equipment was left behind

11 Evacuation at Dunkirk May 26 - June 4, 1940 Battlefield series link

12 Myth Mechanized Juggernaut

13 Reality 3/4 of German infantry moved by foot or horse

14 Battle of France First Phase 4-14 June 1940

15 Battle of France 4-22 June 1940

16 Fall of France Click for Video

17 Events September 3, 1939 Britain, France declare war on Germany “Phony war” begins Germany invades Denmark & Norway Germany invades Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg April 9, 1940 May 10, 1940 September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland May 27-29, 1940 Evacuation of Dunkirk June 4-22, 1940 Battle of France June 22, 1940France Surrenders

18 French surrendered at Compiègne – June 20, 1940

19 Occupation of France   10:00

20 Occupation of France Marshall Pétain General DeGaulle Flag of Vichy France

21 Britain Stands Alone “Very well, Alone!”

22 Winston S. Churchill 1874-1965 Sandhurst (1894) Served in Sudan (1898), the Second Boer War (1899-1900), the Western Front (1915-1916) First elected to Parliament (1900) First Lord of the Admiralty (1911-1915 and 1939-1940) Prime Minister May 10, 1940 - July 27, 1945 * * Also October 26, 1951 - April 17, 1955 Led Great Britain during its darkest hour.

23 Mers-El-Kebir July 3, 1940

24 Mers-El-Kebir July 3, 1940 French fleet at Mers-El-Kebir Battleships Destroyers Cruisers

25 Mers-El-Kebir July 3, 1940 British fleet opened fire after delivering ultimatum

26 Mers-El-Kebir July 3, 1940

27 Mers-El-Kebir French Casualties 1,297 dead 1 battleship destroyed 2 battleships damaged 3 destroyers damaged British Casualties 6 dead Loss of French trust


29 Events September 27, 1940 Axis Tripartite Pact

30 Next: Lesson 13 - Part 3 WW II -- Global War, Global Strategy Japan’s Road to War

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