The Development of Greek Myth. The Epic Cycle Iliad Odyssey Other Epic Poems and Homeric Hymns Greek Myth Develops out of war stories and religious tales.

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Presentation on theme: "The Development of Greek Myth. The Epic Cycle Iliad Odyssey Other Epic Poems and Homeric Hymns Greek Myth Develops out of war stories and religious tales."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Development of Greek Myth

2 The Epic Cycle Iliad Odyssey Other Epic Poems and Homeric Hymns Greek Myth Develops out of war stories and religious tales

3 The Archaic Period Hesiod: Theogony, Works and Days Stesichoros Simonides Bacchylides Pindar Greek Lyric

4 The Classical Period Greek Drama Aeschylos Sophocles Euripides Greek Comedy Other Comic and Tragic Poets

5 Hellenistic and Imperial Era Strange and Obscure Myth Kallimachos Apollonios of Rhodes Theocritos and bucolic poetry Apollodoros Library Nonnos: Dionysiaka Lucian: Satyrical versions and Sci-Fi

6 Roman Myth Roman adoption and adaptation of Greek myth Traditional Roman deities are vested with the qualities of Greek gods and eventually become indistinguishable (e.g. Hephaistos/Vulcan or Demeter/Ceres) Foundation Myths (Aeneas/The She-Wolf) Virgil, Ovid, Horace, Statius, Seneca (plays)

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