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Mackenzie Evanusa Period 2 March 13, 2012 Cronus.

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1 Mackenzie Evanusa Period 2 March 13, 2012 Cronus

2 Introduction Cronus was the Titan God of time and age. He is from Greek mythology.

3 Background Cronus was married to Rhea, Mother of the gods, and was the father of the Zeus, King of Gods, and 5 more children by Rhea. (Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera, and Zeus.) Cronus Story of origin is when his father did not like his Cyclops offspring so he forced his wife to return them to the womb. This caused is wife much pain and anger, so she sought to get revenge. She called upon the Titans to help her, and her youngest sun then cut off his fathers genitals and threw them into the sea, thus creating Aphrodite.

4 Claim to Fame Cronus’ claim to fame is how he would each of his children after they were born. His prophecy stated that one of his children will grow up to overthrow him, just like what happened to his father, so to prevent that he ate each one. When his wife Rhea gave birth to her last son, Zeus, She disguised a rock in a baby blanket and tricked Cronus into eating that instead of her child. She sent him to Crete's to be raised by nymphs. His enemies were Apollo and Zeus. He had no allies. He possessed great strength and stamina.

5 Downfall Cronus swallowed his grandson Kratos, who then sliced his way out his stomach spilling out all of his intestines. He then used Cronus’ shackles to impale him in the jaw, and stab his forehead. Cronus’ then slowly collapsed and died.

6 Tales Cronus appeared in the video game God of War III and God of War I. The movie Cronos From 1983, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

7 Pictures

8 Works Cited Tradyn. Cronus. Tradyns Learning Portfolio. Web. Mar.-Apr. 2012. Cronus_Chains. God of War. Web. Mar.-Apr. 2012. Atsma, A.. "Cronus." Theoi greek mythology. Theoi Project, 2000. Web. 22 Mar 2012.. ology).html Rymer, Eric. "Creation Story, Cronus and Rhea." History Link 101. Eric Rymer, 2000. Web. 22 Mar 2012.. Multiple, Authors. "God of War Wiki.". N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar 2012.

9 Uvz1M:&imgrefurl= pedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Rubens_saturn.jpg/170px-Rubens_saturn.jpg&w=170&h=359&ei=F4ZoT- KfNcShtwfYjNn8CA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=359&sig=104760876716253435691&page=1&tbnh=124&tbnw=63&start=0&nds p=18&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=30&ty=55 Uvz1M:&imgrefurl= pedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Rubens_saturn.jpg/170px-Rubens_saturn.jpg&w=170&h=359&ei=F4ZoT- KfNcShtwfYjNn8CA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=359&sig=104760876716253435691&page=1&tbnh=124&tbnw=63&start=0&nds p=18&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=30&ty=55 uM:&imgrefurl= fqH0LqedZps/TdtIJPjvFsI/AAAAAAAAAB0/pgHrNH6Gm9Y/s320/Cronus.jpg&w=300&h=233&ei=btBpT7v7LuHf0gGBiKGjCQ&z oom=1&iact=hc&vpx=880&vpy=457&dur=1852&hovh=186&hovw=240&tx=123&ty=82&sig=112541988890084578927&pag e=1&tbnh=130&tbnw=167&start=0&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:22,s:0&surl=1 uM:&imgrefurl= fqH0LqedZps/TdtIJPjvFsI/AAAAAAAAAB0/pgHrNH6Gm9Y/s320/Cronus.jpg&w=300&h=233&ei=btBpT7v7LuHf0gGBiKGjCQ&z oom=1&iact=hc&vpx=880&vpy=457&dur=1852&hovh=186&hovw=240&tx=123&ty=82&sig=112541988890084578927&pag e=1&tbnh=130&tbnw=167&start=0&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:22,s:0&surl=1

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