What is an Alliance Strategy? What is an Alliance Strategy?

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Presentation on theme: "What is an Alliance Strategy? What is an Alliance Strategy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an Alliance Strategy? What is an Alliance Strategy?

2  What is an Alliance Strategy?  Why do companies engage into an Alliance?  Why do Alliance sometimes fail?  Four Elements of Alliance Strategy: Alliance Design Alliance Management Alliance Constellation Alliance Capability  Conclusion  References

3  Strategic Alliance This is a formal relationship or a deal (new venture) between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed goals to meet critical business needs while remaining independent organizations.  Alliance Strategy An alliance strategy represents much more than a deal. It is an intent, a dynamic process, and a logic that guides alliance decisions.

4 “A Strategic Alliance without an Alliance Strategy is condemned to fail”

5  To enter restricted overseas market  To gain competitive advantage  To search for capabilities such as technology  To share risk  To gain economies of scale  To gain more market share  Facts: Today, Alliances account for 20- 50% of corporate value; whether it is measured in terms of revenue, assets, income or market capitalization.


7  Over the years, numerous studies have shown that 30- 70% of Alliances fail  Do not meet the goals of the parent companies  Clashing corporate cultures and goals  Unclear strategies  Weak or unbalanced alliance economics  Lack of sufficient operating staff skills and parent commitment

8 Alliance Design Alliance Management Alliance Constellation Alliance Capability Four Elements of Alliance Strategy Alliance Design Why use an alliance? What is the scope of the alliance? Criteria and methods of selecting partners Options for structuring the alliance

9 Alliance Design Alliance Management Alliance Constellation Alliance Capability Alliance Management Process of making decisions Operational decisions Performance and relationship between the parent company and other company Four Elements of Alliance Strategy Example, Venture between Xerox and Fuji Photo Film was created to help Xerox sell copiers in Japan.

10 Alliance Design Alliance Management Alliance Constellation Alliance Capability Alliance Constellation Should the alliance be formed? How many and what type? Interaction among alliances Four Elements of Alliance Strategy Example, The Star Alliance Case

11 Alliance Design Alliance Management Alliance Constellation Alliance Capability Who in the corporation should be responsible for specific tasks? The success of external alliances often depends on having a supportive internal infrastructure Four Elements of Alliance Strategy

12  The Success of an Alliance Strategy depends much on the unfolding relationship between the partners.  Companies will not survive if they try to do everything themselves.  Alliance Strategy wins the race!!!!!

13  http://www.alliancestrategy.com/PDFs/BGC%20AllianceStrategy%20CriticalEY E04.pdf http://www.alliancestrategy.com/PDFs/BGC%20AllianceStrategy%20CriticalEY E04.pdf  www.google.com www.google.com  Alliance Strategy: Fundamentals for Success, Ben Gomes-Casseres (2003) : The Arc of Alliance Strategy

14  Mai Tilogavichai 4780449  Thivaphorn Narang 4780490  Chinajade Yipyintum 4880090  Nalin Limpivilas 4880604

15 Thank You Q & A

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