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Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Chapters 15 & 16 Therapies & Social Behaviors.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Chapters 15 & 16 Therapies & Social Behaviors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Chapters 15 & 16 Therapies & Social Behaviors

2 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 What Is Psychotherapy? Any psychological technique used to facilitate positive changes in personality, behavior, or adjustment; some types of psychotherapy: Not a “cure all”. –Individual: Involves only one client and one therapist Client: Patient; the one who participates in psychotherapy Rogers used “client” to equalize therapist-client relationship and de-emphasize doctor-patient concept –Group: Several clients participate at the same time

3 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Origins of Therapy Trepanning: For primitive “therapists,” refers to boring, chipping, or bashing holes into a patient’s head; for modern usage, refers to any surgical procedure in which a hole is bored into the skull –In primitive times it was unlikely the patient would survive; this may have been a goal –Goal presumably to relieve pressure or rid the person of evil spirits Demonology Ergotism: Psychotic-like symptoms that come from ergot poisoning –Ergot is a natural source of LSD –Ergot occurs with rye Phillippe Pinel: French physician who initiated humane treatment of mental patients in 1793 –Created the first mental hospital

4 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Psychoanalysis: Freud Hysteria: Physical symptoms (like paralysis or numbness) occur without physiological causes –Now known as somatoform disorders Freud became convinced that hysterias were caused by deeply hidden unconscious conflicts Main Goal of Psychoanalysis: To resolve internal conflicts that lead to emotional suffering

5 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Behavior Therapy Use of learning principles to make constructive changes in behavior Behavior Modification: Using any classical or operant conditioning principles to directly change human behavior –Deep insight is often not necessary –Focus on the present; cannot change the past, and no reason to alter that which has yet to occur

6 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Aversion Therapy Conditioned Aversion: Learned dislike or negative emotional response to a stimulus Aversion Therapy: Associate a strong aversion to an undesirable habit like smoking, overeating, drinking alcohol Response-Contingent Consequences: Reinforcement, punishment, or other consequences that are applied only when a certain response is made Rapid Smoking: Prolonged smoking at a rapid pace –Designed to cause aversion to smoking

7 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Cognitive Therapy Therapy that helps clients change thinking patterns that lead to problematic behaviors or emotions Selective Perception: Perceiving only certain stimuli in a larger group of possibilities Overgeneralization: Allowing upsetting events to affect unrelated situations All-or-Nothing Thinking: Seeing objects and events as absolutely right or wrong, good or bad, and so on Cognitive therapy is VERY effective in treating depression, shyness, and stress

8 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Family Therapy Family Therapy: All family members work as a group to resolve the problems of each family member –Tends to be brief and focuses on specific problems (e.g., specific fights)

9 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Basic Counseling Skills Active listening Clarify the problem Focus on feelings Avoid giving advice Accept the client’s frame of reference Reflect thoughts and feelings Silence: Know when to use Questions –Open: Open-ended reply –Closed: Can be answered “Yes” or “No” Maintain confidentiality Effectiveness?

10 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Medical (Somatic) Therapies Pharmacotherapy: Use of drugs to alleviate emotional disturbance; three classes: Psychiatrists –Anxiolytics: Like Valium; produce relaxation or reduce anxiety –Antidepressants: Elevate mood and combat depression –Antipsychotics: Tranquilize and also reduce hallucinations and delusions in larger dosages

11 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Shock Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): 150 volt electric shock is passed through the brain for about one second, inducing a convulsion –Based on belief that seizure alleviates depression by altering brain chemistry ECT Views –Produces only temporary improvement –Causes memory loss in many patients –Should only be used as a last resort –33/33/33 results

12 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Hospitalization Mental Hospitalization: Involves placing a person in a protected, therapeutic environment staffed by mental health professionals Partial Hospitalization: Patients spend only part of their time in the hospital

13 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Community Mental Health Centers Offer many health services like prevention, education, therapy, and crisis intervention –Crisis Intervention: Skilled management of a psychological emergency Paraprofessional: Individual who works in a near- professional capacity under supervision of a more highly trained person Private Practices Typically serving specific clientele. Private pay and private insurance patients.

14 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 What Is Social Psychology? Chapter 16 Social Psychology: Scientific studies of how individuals behave, think, and feel in social situations; how people act in the presence (actual or implied) of others Great Lesson?

15 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Groups Group Structure: Network of roles, communication, pathways, and power in a group Group Cohesiveness: Degree of attraction among group members or their commitment to remain in the group In Group: A group with which a person identifies Out Group: Group with which a person does not identify –Cohesive groups work better together –What kind of groups did you see on “Survivor,” “Road Rules,” and “Real World”?

16 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Social Perception Attribution: Making inferences about the causes of one’s own behavior and others’ behavior –External Cause of Behavior: Assumed to lie outside a person –Internal Cause of Behavior: Assumed to lie within the person Fundamental Attribution Error: Tendency to attribute behavior of others to internal causes (personality, likes, etc.). We believe this even if they really have external causes!

17 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Conformity Bringing one’s behavior into agreement with norms or the behavior of others. –Solomon Asch’s Experiment: You must select (from a group of three) the line that most closely matches the standard line. All lines are shown to a group of seven people (including you). –Other six were accomplices, and at times all would select the wrong line. –In 33% of the trials, the real subject conformed to group pressure even when the group’s answers were obviously incorrect!

18 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 10 of 15

19 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Obedience (Milgram) Conformity to the demands of an authority. Would you shock a man with a known heart condition who is screaming and asking to be released? Milgram studied this; the man with a heart condition was an accomplice and the “teacher” was a real volunteer. The goal was to teach the learner word pairs.

20 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 12 of 15

21 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Prejudice v. Discrimination Negative emotional attitude held toward members of a specific social group Discrimination: Unequal treatment of people who should have the same rights as others Personal Prejudice: When members of another racial or ethnic group are perceived as a threat to one’s own interests Group Prejudice: When a person conforms to group norms

22 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Aggression Any action carried out with the intention of harming another person. Ethologists believe that aggression is innate in all animals, including humans. –Ethologist: Studies natural behavior patterns of animals. –There appears to be a relationship between aggression and hypoglycemia, allergy, and certain brain injuries and disorders. –Certain brain areas can trigger or end aggressive behavior. Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis: Frustration tends to lead to aggression

23 Introduction to Psychology: Kellogg Community College, Talbot Chapter 13 Prosocial Behavior and Bystander Apathy Prosocial Behavior: Behavior toward others that is helpful, constructive, or altruistic Friendships –What makes us friends? Bystander Apathy: Unwillingness of bystanders to offer help during emergencies –Related to number of people present The more potential helpers present, the lower the chances help will be given

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