A Contemporary Training and Research Institution on Transnational Organized Crime Bahadir Kucukuysal, Ph.D. 26.04.2012 TURKISH INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY AGAINST.

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Presentation on theme: "A Contemporary Training and Research Institution on Transnational Organized Crime Bahadir Kucukuysal, Ph.D. 26.04.2012 TURKISH INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY AGAINST."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Contemporary Training and Research Institution on Transnational Organized Crime Bahadir Kucukuysal, Ph.D. 26.04.2012 TURKISH INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY AGAINST DRUGS AND ORGANIZED CRIME

2  A law enforcement in-service training academy on counter- narcotics and organized crime.  Established in 2000, with a joint project with the UNODC.  Under the Department of Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime (KOM). T urkish International A cademy against D rugs and O rganized C rime

3 To identify and meet the training needs of the national and international law enforcement agencies.

4 To assist the development of modern training techniques within the national academies of the region.

5 To conduct scientific research on drugs and organized crime: “research led/fed training”.

6 To contribute to enhance communication, cooperation, and coordination among the operational agencies of the regional countries.


8  Turkish National Police  Customs  Gendarmerie  Coastguard

9  The countries that are signatories to bilateral security cooperation agreements with Turkey.


11 Other Platforms  UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) Regional Offices & Projects  OSCE (Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe)  NRC (NATO - Russia Council)

12 Train the Trainers Drug Law Enforcement Operational Police Tactics Organized Crime Investigations Crime Intelligence Analysis Interview and Interrogation Techniques Drug Search, Detection & Identification

13 Surveillance Techniques Clandestine Laboratories and Synthetic Drugs Drug Demand Reduction Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of Terrorism Undercover Operations Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking

14 Five research centers on: - Organized Crime - Narcotics Crimes - Trafficking In Persons - Financial Crimes - Drug Demand Reduction

15 TADOC Research centers: - Make scientific researches on their respective fields, - Analyze statistical data and prepare reports, - Conduct seminars, conferences, and workshops In order to: - Maintain a research fed combat with drugs and transnational crimes, - Help formulate policies and strategies to combat such crimes.

16  “Train the Trainers” and “Program Development” Courses for TADOC Trainers  Emphasis on “Learner-Centered Training” and “Participatory Learning” - Adult learning principles - Experiences shared  Theoretical vs. Practical Trainings  Participant feedbacks: A significant tool to develop TADOC trainings

17  Training Needs Analysis - Designing training/s based on needs of the agency/country and profile of participants.  Training Program Evaluation - You cannot manage what you don’t measure! - If you cannot measure it, you can not improve it!

18 Mobile Training Teams (MTTs) –A team of 3 to 5 trainers are sent to the countries that request training/s from TADOC.

19 Smart Class Project: - In class trainings are broadcasted to all KOM divisions in 81 provinces.

20 Computer Based Training (CBT): –80 interactive training modules in Turkish, English, and Russian –From CBT centers to Intranet-Based Training (IBT) on POLNET - A highly secure network specifically allocated for the Turkish National Police

21 TADOC Intranet Web Site: Learning Organization

22  (329) International Training Programs 84 Countries - 4681 Participants  (643) National Training Programs 20813 Participants

23 Heroin Trafficking Routes Source:UNODC


25 TADOC TADOC TADOC TADOC TADOC TADOC TADOC www.tadoc.gov.tr “International Cooperation against Transnational Crime” Thank you!

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