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Theater of the Absurd and Existential Drama

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1 Theater of the Absurd and Existential Drama
An Introduction to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead…and later Waiting for Godot.

2 Definitions Absurd literature refers to an avant-garde style in which structure, plot, and characterization are disregarded or garbled in order to stress the lack of logic in nature and man’s isolation in a universe which has no meaning or value. Existentialism involves the attempt to make meaning in a chaotic world. Sartre argued, "man makes himself." As a form of literary criticism, existentialism seeks to analyze literary works, with special emphasis on the struggle to define meaning and identity in the face of alienation and isolation.

3 Sartre: There is no predefined purpose, there is only what we make for ourselves. With this choice comes responsibility which leads to dread.

4 We can find no reason or purpose for our existence:
We are here We suffer We die without any idea of the purpose it serves… A. Existential Atheists: because there is no God. B. Existential Theists: because we cannot understand the meaning/purpose.

5 We can find no reason or purpose for our existence:
Therefore life is a dark maze in which we make uninformed choices that ultimately lead us to repetitious and tedious lives.

6 Existential-Absurdist Conceits
A sense of humanity’s alienation. The cruelty of existence The futility of conventional objectives The futility of struggle A strong vein of fantasy

7 Theater of the Absurd Characteristics
Conventional Drama Presents human actions in a social context…(families, friendships, schools, etc.) Absurd drama No social context provided

8 Theater of the Absurd Characteristics
Conventional Drama Moves from a normal situation upset by conflict, through characters dealing with conflict towards a normal/cathartic resolution World is logical, and we are introduced to the world’s rules in the beginning Absurd Drama No world rules No defined conflict No logical resolution

9 Theater of the Absurd Characteristics
Conventional Drama We are familiar with the rules according to genre (fantasy, naturalistic, etc.) Morals fit standards, and we learn something from the end Absurd Drama No moral standards

10 Theater of the Absurd Characteristics
Conventional Drama Traditional comedy has a positive moral attitude to help establish what matters and what doesn’t; some things are foolish only to foil what really matters. Absurd Drama Bleak humor depends upon laughing at any attempt to discover significance This dark humor sets up everything as equally ridiculous

11 Existential Drama The world is without logical definitions
The audience creates the rules of the society through interpretation (free will/ thought) The only priorities are human dignity (through choice) act upon our freedom to choose and launch ourselves into the world (or not)

12 Theater of the Absurd Characteristics
Absurd Drama Protagonists don’t know the rules of their world The world has no reliable meaning An absence of logic or defined rules Protagonists’ identity is a mystery Protagonists’ attempts to deal with the world are without logic

13 Theater of the Absurd Characteristics
No dignity of choice, the heroes lack the confidence/know how to make choices Protagonists are like grotesque clowns, with no memory to orient themselves or their situation For protagonists, there’s no chronology present Focus of play is how protagonists try to cope with world

14 Theater of the Absurd Characteristics
Protagonists are incapable of independent action; they wait for something to happen to give direction; but true direction never occurs. Play ends as it starts

15 Theater of the Absurd Characteristics
Play doesn’t admit a firm ending Ending is without value/moral Body of play is filled with games and play to keep them away from admitting fear of their confused world Protagonists fear their situation and try to avoid deep thought Absurd drama is usually comedic, but dark

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