Français I: les notes # 7. beau-good looking/pretty beau-masculine, singular bel-masculine, singular, followed by vowel belle-feminine, singular belles-feminine,

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Presentation on theme: "Français I: les notes # 7. beau-good looking/pretty beau-masculine, singular bel-masculine, singular, followed by vowel belle-feminine, singular belles-feminine,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Français I: les notes # 7

2 beau-good looking/pretty beau-masculine, singular bel-masculine, singular, followed by vowel belle-feminine, singular belles-feminine, plural beaux-masculine, plural

3 nouveau-new nouveau-masculine, singular nouvel-masculine, singular, followed by vowel nouvelle-feminine, singular nouvelles-feminine, plural nouveaux-masculine, plural

4 vieux-old vieux-masculine, singular and plural vieil-masculine, singular, followed by vowel vieille-feminine, singular vieilles-feminine, plural

5 Exemples: I have an old car. J’ai une vieille voiture. We have a new dog. Nous avons un nouveau chien. They have a beautiful raincoat. Ils ont un bel imperméable.

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