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Background to Lysistrata

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1 Background to Lysistrata
The Persian & Peloponnesian Wars

2 Mommy, Where does. . ? Herodotus—Story-like although one of the first examples of history. Much of what we know of the Persian wars comes from him.

3 Marathon 490 B.C. Sparta in religious festival
Alone with Plataia against Persia 25,000 Persians vs. 12,000 Greeks Persians & Darius Repelled: 6,400 to 120 casualty butt-whooping. Quick March & myth of Pheidipedes

4 Xerxes Strikes Back Themistokles (Athenian leader):
Spent Laurion silver on Navy for Athens Hellenic League: Athens, Sparta, & others

5 Xerxes Strikes Back Thermopylai (480):
7,000 Greeks vs. 250,000 Persians Greeks hold them off twice Number cut to 1,400 Greeks after betrayal 300 Spartans with Leonidas & 1,100 others All those left behind die, but give time

6 Xerxes Strikes Back Salamis (480):
Themistokles gives up Athens and retires to the island of Salamis Greeks nervous—Themistokles tricks Xerxes Athenian Navy cripples tired Persian navy

7 Xerxes Strikes Back Plataia (479):
Xerxes left some guys behind with his second in command. Greeks win—small contingent of Persians run away. Greek naval victory at Mykale in Asia Minor ends the Persian threat. Later Alexander will take it all away from Persia and then succumb to Persia

8 Mommy, Where does. . ? Thucydides: History of the Peloponnesian War
Rational Analysis Research: Interviews, war veteran Psychology of individuals through speeches Tended to get a little “preachy”

9 Athenian Empire Delian League: Maritime city-states & islands
Get lost “stuff” back from Persians and prevent further threat Treasury on the island of Delos, but shifted to Acropolis of Athens in 454 Themistokles—began to rebuild Acropolis & built long walls to Piraeus Mytilene (almost dead)—Melos (really dead) Stole money and built the Acropolis “for real”

10 Peloponnesian War 431-404 Pericles Plan & Thucydides’ sympathy
Plague—yuck! Sphacteria 425: Almost peace Endless twists and turns & a failed sea expedition in Syracuse Athens loses—Sparta installs oligarchy—It doesn’t last Lysistrata written in 411 when there was still hope for a fair peace

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