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Mysterious Connection between Food and Mood Angle Tiara Elsie Jenny.

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2 Mysterious Connection between Food and Mood Angle Tiara Elsie Jenny

3 Outline I. Introduction I. Introduction 1. Motivation 2. Purpose II. Literature Review 1. Physical Structure 2. Food & Mood III. Methods III. Methods 1. Participants 2. Instruments 3. Results and Discussion IV. Conclusion V. References V. References

4 I. Introduction 1. Motivation We’re all loving eating loving eating curious about  curious about 

5 I. Introduction 2. Purpose Connection between food and mood Connection between food and mood How ingredients in food affect mood How ingredients in food affect mood

6 Connection between food and mood Mood Food Physiolo gy II. Literature Review


8 1. Physical structure B. Distribution of taste buds and taste-receiving areas 1. Taste buds → Ten thousand taste buds 2. Taste-receiving areas → 50-150 receptor cells(= taste buds) tongue and taste-receiving areas A. Senses of taste → sourness, sweetness, bitterness, saltiness

9 2. Food & mood

10 Theater performances

11 Mood 1 Sad





16 Mood 2 Bored






22 Mood 3 Stressful



25 I don’t have any idea. I can’t do it. !@#$%^&*(#$%@#$ %^(*

26 I don’t have any idea. I can’t do it. !@#$%^&*(#$%@#$ %^(*


28 III. Methods 1. Participants 1. Participants A. Sex: 246 females, 281males B. Age: below 20 and above 40 years Constant Craving-Doreen Virtue 2. Instruments A. Books B. Websites C. Questionnaire survey

29 Research Question What do people want to eat when they are in different moods? 3. Results and Discussion

30 3-1 Data Analysis 1. When they desire to be cherished, loved or understood, they will eat…?

31 2. When they feel fearful, frustrated or angry, they will eat…? Figure 3 3-1 Data Analysis

32 3. When they feel bored in their life, they will eat…? Figure 4 3-1 Data Analysis

33 4. When they are in the feelings of stress or emotional tension, they will eat…? 3-1 Data Analysis

34 5. When they feel insecure, lonely or isolated, they will eat…? 3-1 Data Analysis

35 3-2 Discussion of the research question Five FeelingsBooksFindings 1. When they desire to be cherished, loved or understood, they will eat…? Chocolate 2. When they feel fearful, frustrated or angry, they will eat…? Dairy productHigh-fat food 3. When they feel bored in their life, they will eat…? NutDairy product 4. When they are in the feelings of stress or emotional tension, they will eat…? StarchChocolate 5. When they feel insecure, lonely or isolated, they will eat…? High-fat foodChocolate

36 IV. Conclusion Taste Ingredient Mood Food (Chocolate) (Happy) (PEA) (Sweetness)

37 V. References 朵琳.芙秋。( 2012 )。食物情緒大解密 你愛吃的,透露了什麼秘密?。台灣。三采。 賴宇凡。( 2012 )。身體平衡,就有好情緒!走出折磨人的情緒問題,根治反反覆覆的生理疾病,最徹底的身心健康方案。 台灣。如果出版社。 安東尼.海恩斯、安托奈特.塞維爾 。( 2013 )。食物不耐聖經:營養專家幫你克服腸躁症、慢性疲勞、情緒化、麩質過 敏、止不住的嘴饞及飲食出錯問題。台灣。大寫出版 安東尼.海恩斯、安托奈特.塞維爾 12 大營養 吃對食物,不怕壓力。 2015 年 11 月 3 日,取自 : 吃對就有好情緒! 10 種紓壓快樂食物。 2015 年 10 月 16 日,取自 : 食物影響情緒 吃什麼能快樂? (2014) 。 2015 年 11 月 4 日,取自 影響情緒的食物。取自 8. 飲食影響情緒 營養均衡心情好 (2012) 。 2015 年 9 月 20 日,取自 9. 樂活飲食 助你揮別憂鬱心情 (2011) 。 2015 年 9 月 19 日,取自 10. 抗憂鬱 你也可以用飲食治療! (2012) 。 2015 年 10 月 19 日,取自 11. 你的心情起伏 決定體內「血清素」的多寡 (2009) 。 2015 年 10 月 23 日,取自

38 Thank you for your listening

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