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Doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4mSlide 1 March 2013 Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks(WPANs) Submission.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4mSlide 1 March 2013 Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks(WPANs) Submission."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4mSlide 1 March 2013 Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks(WPANs) Submission Title: TG4m 4TV Closing Report for March 2013 Date Submitted: 21 March 2013 Source: Sangsung Choi(ETRI), Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance) Contact: Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Voice: +82 42 860 6831, E-Mail: Re: TG4m Closing Report for March 2013 Plenary Meeting Abstract: Closing Report for TG4m Session in Orlando Purpose: TV White Space Amendment to IEEE 802.15.4 Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Sangsung Choi(ETRI)

2 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m Meeting Goal This Week Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 2 Comment Resolutions for LB#87 Hear and discuss the contribution presentations Discuss the future efforts and next steps March 2013

3 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m Meeting Slots Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 3 March 2013 MtgTuesdayWednesdayThursday AM1 Opening Logistics Contribution presentations if any Comment Resolution (General Issues) Comment Resolution, (General Issues, PHY, and MAC) AM2 Comment Resolution (FSK PHY) Comment Resolution, (Wrap-up) Discuss future efforts and next steps PM1 Comment Resolution (OFDM PHY) Comment Resolution, MAC PM2 Comment Resolution, (NB-OFDM PHY) Comment Resolution, MAC (cont'd)

4 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m TG4m Closing Report (1) Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 4 LB #87 was passed by 88% of Approval in March 2013 - 125 Voters - 97 Voting (Yes 83, No 11, Abstain 3) Resolve 551 Comments (Editorial 302, Technical & General 249) –Resolved all Technical and General comments FSK, OFDM, NB-OFDM, Ranging, General PHY, and Coexistence Assurance –Resolved all Editorial comments with the proposed resolutions by assignees –Comment resolution database document #15-13-0107-05-004m completed March 2013

5 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m TG4m Closing Report (2) Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 5 Technical Comment related Documents presented –15-13-0131-00-004m-example-encoding-for-tvws-fsk-phy –15-13-0138-02-004m-lb87-proposed-resolution-bar –15-13-0147-01-004m-proposed-resolutions-for-cids-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-and-11 –15-13-0148-00-004m-proposed-resolutions-for-cids-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-and-22 –15-13-0149-02-004m-proposed-resolutions-for-cids-36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43-44-and-45 –15-13-0150-01-004m-proposed-resolutions-for-cids-128-129-130-131-132-133-and-134 –15-13-0151-00-004m-proposed-resolutions-for-cids-195-197-198-199-200-and-201 –15-13-0152-01-004m-proposed-resolutions-for-cids-223-224-225-226-227-228-229-231-233- and-234 –15-13-0159-02-004m-proposed-comment-resolution-for-device-location-and-channel-info-ies –15-13-0161-02-004m-comment-resolution-for-some-tg4m-tvws-fsk-phy-related-comments- spread-sheet –15-13-0163-00-004m-Proposed-OFDM-Comment-Resolutions-for-CIDs-379-through-396- LB87 –15-13-0164-02-004m-Proposed-OFDM-Comment-Resolutions-for-CIDs-400-through-416- LB87 –15-13-0166-01-004m-15.4m-Coexistence-Assurance-Document March 2013

6 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m TG4m Closing Report (3) Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 6 Technical Comment related Documents presented (cont’d) –15-13-0168-01-004m-Proposed-Resolutions-for-Coexistence-Comments-LB87 –15-13-0176-01-004m-proposed-resolution-to-cid-408-of-lb-87 –15-13-0177-01-004m-proposed-resolutions-to-general-phy-comments-of-lb-87 –15-13-0178-01-004m-proposed-resolutions-to-some-fsk-phy-comments-of-lb-87 –15-13-0183-04-004m-some-comment-resolution-for-tg4m-tvws-nb-ofdm –15-13-0186-03-004m-comment-resolution-for-some-tg4m-tvws-nb-ofdm-phy-related- comments-spread-sheet –15-13-0196-01-004m-proposed-resolutions-to-dev-dev-comments-of-lb-87 –15-13-0197-00-004m-Proposed OFDM RF Requirements –15-13-0198-00-004m-proposed-resolutions-to-dev-dev-comments-of-lb-87-ppt –15-13-0200-00-004m-proposed-resolutions-to-comments-related-to-power-saving-and-enabling –15-13-0203-00-004m-proposed-resolution-to-pics-comment-of-lb-87 –15-13-0205-03-004m-proposed-resolutions-for-tmctp-technical-comments-of-lb-87 –15-13-0208-01-004m-comment-resolution-for-annex-s-cid-514-547 –15-13-0209-01-004m-some-comment-resolutions-for-tg4m-ranging –15-13-0210-01-004m-proposed-resolution-to-misc –15-13-0219-00-004m-proposed-resolutions-to-remaining-comments-of-lb87 March 2013

7 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m TG4m Motion (1) The motion is to accept the resolutions as proposed in document 15-13-107-04 with additional changes as described in 15-13-219-00 and 15-13-197-00 Editorials will be marked Moved:Gilb Second:Rolfe Motion carried by 85% of approval (Yes 34, No 6, Abstain 1) Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 7 March 2013

8 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m TG4m Motion (2) Move that the 802.15.4m Task Group start a WG Letter Ballot Recirculation of Letter Ballot 87 edited in accordance with the instructions in comment resolution database document #15-13- 0107-05-004m Moved: Clint Powell Seconded: Chin-Sean Sum Motion carried by 93% of approval (Yes 40, No 3, Abstain 3) Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 8 March 2013

9 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m TG4m Motion (3) CS Sum, C Powell, Soo-Young Chang, H Harada, B Rolfe, K Waheed, R Salazar, C Seibert, A Petrick, M Gillmore, J Kent, F Kojima, A Liru, M Zhou, K Shah, J Gilb, Mi-Kyung Oh, Recommended Chair: P Beecher Move to recommend to the 802.15 WG to appoint the above members as a BRC for TG4m Moved: Jay Ramasastry Seconded: Matt Gillmore Motion carried unanimously Call time : 3pm Pacific, Wednesdays Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 9 March 2013

10 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m WG Motion (1) Move that 802.15 WG approve start of a recirculation of the WG Letter Ballot 87 draft d0P802-15-4m_Draft_Standard, edited in accordance with the instructions in document #15- 13-0107-05-004m, to Sponsor Ballot. Moved: Phil Beecher Seconded: Clint Powell Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 10 March 2013

11 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m WG Motion (2) CS Sum, C Powell, Soo-Young Chang, H Harada, B Rolfe, K Waheed, R Salazar, C Seibert, A Petrick, M Gillmore, J Kent, F Kojima, A Liru, M Zhou, K Shah, J Gilb, Mi- Kyung Oh, Recommended Chair: P Beecher Motion: The 802.15 WG appoint the above members as a BRC for 802.15 TG4m Moved: Ed Callaway Seconded: Phil Beecher Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 11 March 2013

12 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m Future Plan/Timeline (1) Form a New Task Group - Affirm new officers for TG4m September 2011 - Prepare the TGD November, 2011, January 2012 - Finalizing the TGD & Call for Proposal March 2012 Proposal Effort - Preliminary Proposals & Presentations May 6 2012 - Final Proposals July 9, 2012 - Proposal Presentations July, 2012 - Merge Proposals September 2012 - Adopt Baseline September 2012 D rafting - Preliminary draft document November 2012 - Final draft (ready for WG Letter Ballot) January 2013 Slide 12 March 2013 Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 12

13 doc.: IEEE 15-13-0227-01-004m TG4m Future Plan/Timeline (2) WG Letter Balloting - Initial Release February 2013 - Comment Resolution March 2013 - Recirculation I Release April 2013 - Recirculation I Comment Resolution May 2013 - Recirculation II Release June 2013 Sponsor Balloting - Initial Release July 2013 - Comment Resolution September 2013 - SB Recirculation I Release October 2013 - SB Recirculation I Comment Resolution November 2013 - SB Recirculation II release December 2013 Slide 13 March 2013 Sangsung Choi(ETRI) Slide 13

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