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Fidel Castro & the U.S..

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Presentation on theme: "Fidel Castro & the U.S.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fidel Castro & the U.S.

2 Revolution overthrows Batista!
Batista was ally to U.S. Fidel Castro Revolutionary Leader Cuban Revolution

3 Castro claims American Imperialism in Cuba!
US owned Cuba’s OIL industry 90% of its MINES 80% of it Utilities. 50% of its railroads 40% of its sugar plantations and ranches

4 Havana “Tourism” before Castro!

5 Castro Nationalized U.S. companies..
Castro openly criticized American Imperialism & implements “communist” ideas in Cuba. Castro begins to take over American businesses in Cuba. U.S. plots to overthrow Castro!

6 1st Attempt– Bay of Pigs (1961)
-Unsuccessful action by US government to overthrow Castro

7 CIA Plots to Kill Castro
638 ways to kill Castro The CIA's outlandish plots to bump off the Cuban dictator would put 007 to shame ... poison pills, toxic cigars and exploding molluscs.

8 Castro turns to our enemy (Soviet Union) for protection.
Castro asked the Soviets put Missiles in Cuba for protection.

9 Nikita Khrushchev in Soviet
Who were the Leaders Fidel Castro in Cuba Nikita Khrushchev in Soviet John F. Kennedy in USA

10 October 22nd 1962 Kennedy discovers missile site in cuba, U2 Spy plane takes pictures

11 Kennedy blocks Cuba (October 22nd 1962)!
US Navy Blocks Soviet ships from getting into Cuba!

12 How did the Cuban Missile Crisis End??
US (Kennedy) and Soviets (Khrushchev) come to a compromise, if the U.S. promises not to invade Cuba Soviets will remove weapons.

13 In the End the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved peacefully.
Agreement between the Soviets and the US prevented Nuclear War fare, WWIII AVOIDED! Begins peaceful co-existence with Soviets.

14 U.S. Places Embargo on Cuba

15 Calls to End Embargo

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