Preparing for Work experience Hereford Cathedral School June 2015.

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1 Preparing for Work experience Hereford Cathedral School June 2015

2 Why do work experience? Experience of the ‘world of work’ Gives you an insight into a career area It is related to your proposed career  Required for some courses and careers eg: medicine Opportunity to develop employability skills Competitive advantage – course or job applications

3 Qualifications – school and beyond Specialist occupational skills Self-reliance skills People skills Employment skills What do employers want?

4 Developing and evidencing skills How? Building your CV & personal statement Co- curricular activities Awareness of current affairs & issues Voluntary work Work experience & job shadowing Career experience, taster or insight courses Taking responsibility for own progress

5 Employers value work experience If the work experience is a week or less and the young person makes no contribution to my business but just spends that time with us watching what we do and drinking my tea and coffee we do not pay them. They would not expect to be paid. If the person “gets stuck in”, does real work that has value and has aptitude and has the right attitude - the only two things that matter in all employees are aptitude and attitude – then we always pay for the work put in by the person doing the work experience. Accountant view/

6 Employers value work experience Promotes a positive image of Rolls-Royce and engineering careers Allows the company to make a valuable contribution to the community Develops recruitment channels

7 Universities value work experience Work experience will add to your skills profile, supplementing those developed during your sixth-form study and extra- curricular activities You will begin to learn how to apply yourself and your skills in a workplace setting Opportunity to apply your theoretical knowledge to real work situations htm

8 Universities value work experience Increasing your awareness of the types of career available Gaining knowledge of the world of work, helping you to make informed decisions about your future career Having a clearer insight into the demands of graduate jobs You will gain experience in making applications and attending interviews s.htm

9 Academic Reasons for course choice – why you want to study the course What you enjoy about the subjects currently studied Evidence of your study skills, wider reading and development as an independent learner Check that your interests and achievements match the university entry profile requirements Relevant work experience, job shadowing and employment Career aspirations Gap year plans (if relevant to course choice)

10 Advice on applying for vocational courses What are universities looking for in a good applicant? Current studies – subjects studied and relevance to university course Performance – applicant’s performance to date and predicted grades Understanding of the profession – what does the applicant know and what has the applicant done? Work experience, work placements and volunteering Personal qualities – keen to learn, positive-attitude, open-minded, approachable etc. Declaration of good character – disclosure of criminal convictions is essential – admissions tutor will decide on the relevance of conviction Numeracy, literacy and communication skills Other skills such as decision-making, teamwork and leadership This information will be provided via the UCAS application, personal statement and reference

11 Admissions tutors like evidence that the applicant has explored the vocation The students who stand out clearly demonstrate a vocational commitment, so for example they have taken the time to visit an audiology department and spoken to an audiologist to find out what the job involves’. ‘Evidence of research about the vocation and a brief discussion of areas that they find interesting is always a good sign’. ‘Awareness of current news stories about the vocation’. ‘’One thing I regularly see is a statement saying something like, “I am aware of the wide range of patients that a physiotherapist works with” or words to that effect. A statement like this does not provide any evidence of this being true. Not a long list, but a few examples are helpful to demonstrate that the applicant understands the breadth of physiotherapy’.

12 Getting started 33% of students doing sandwich placement accepted position with employer that placement was with 47% of students doing vacation work were offered work with their employer after graduation Contribution to getting first job

13 Before starting work experience Make sure that you know: Where you are going and how to get there on time Who your contact person/supervisor is Hours, breaks, lunch facilities Dress code

14 During work experience Find out about: Dealing with people: staff, customers and clients The skills required in this area of work The structure of the company/organisation Entry requirements - is a degree necessary? Career paths

15 Maximise the experience Work experience is not just about doing, but also about: Observing people at work - what skills are they using? Listening to what people are saying Talking and asking questions Showing that you are interested

16 Maximise the experience Opportunity to develop transferrable employability skills  Communication  Decision-making  Problem-solving  Team-working Evidence for CV and personal statement  Can do statements  Competency questions

17 Evaluating the experience Keep a reflective work diary and record your thoughts on: Jobs you have observed or sampled What skills/attitudes did employees demonstrate? How work differs from school Any personal strengths you have discovered Any areas you may need to develop Your career ideas – confirmed or changed? What to do next?

18 The A B C rule Activity – what you will have done – Work experience Benefit – what you hope to gain from the activity Course – relate the activity & benefit to your course

19 Work experience logbook 1.Personal information 2. Placement information 3. Advice 4. Health and Safety 5. Completing My Diary 6. Work Experience Diary 7.Work Experience Evaluation Form 8. Employer’s Report

20 Information sources Top 10 jobs The Graduate Market in 2015 Association of Graduate Recruiters What do employers want?

21 Questions & answers Q & A

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