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Global Warming by Adam Leeper and Jennifer Fox. Global Warming A gradual increase of planet-wide temperatures. Greenhouse effect: Swedish chemist suggested.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming by Adam Leeper and Jennifer Fox. Global Warming A gradual increase of planet-wide temperatures. Greenhouse effect: Swedish chemist suggested."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Warming by Adam Leeper and Jennifer Fox

2 Global Warming A gradual increase of planet-wide temperatures. Greenhouse effect: Swedish chemist suggested in 1896 that we were increasing the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect, leading to global warming.

3 The Greenhouse Effect A natural effect, due to normal amounts of carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere. The gases absorb infrared radiation to keep the earth at a suitable temperature for life.

4 The Greenhouse Gases CH 4, Methane H 2 O, water vapor CO 2, Carbon Dioxide N 2 O, Dinitrogen Oxide

5 Carbon Dioxide, CO 2 Natural Sources: Respiration, decay of organic matter, “natural” forest fires. Human Sources: combustion of organic resources such as fossil fuels and wood, for everything from industry to transportation. Up 25% since Industrial Revolution. Atmospheric life 50-200 years.

6 Methane, CH 4 Natural Sources: Wetlands and termites. Human Sources: cattle farming, rice fields, land fills, coal mining, David’s little brother, petroleum and natural gas processing. Up 145% (!) since IR Life 12 years

7 Nitrous Oxide, N 2 O Natural Sources: “Bacterial Action” Human Sources: Nitrogen Fertilizers Up 15% since Industrial Revolution. Atmospheric life of 120 years. Water Vapor, H 2 O Natural Sources: Evaporation (!) Human Sources: Combustion of hydrocarbons.

8 Recorded Effects Over the last century: Average global temperatures have increased by about ½ degree Centigrade. There has been a 1% increase in average precipitation. Sea levels have risen by about 15-20 cm, 6-8 inches. (The Dutch are even further underwater ;-)

9 Theoretical Effects: Health: Life cycles of pathogens and insects made easier when warm. Disease thrives. Agriculture: Changed crop yields; some crops will enjoy the increased temp, others will suffer. Forests: Dryness and droughts will make forest fires flare. (No pun intended) Water: More extreme conditions, from more flooding to longer droughts. Coasts: low-land flooding. Habitats will change or be destroyed; species relying on cold/ice will be screwed.

10 Particulates Small particles, products from combustion and heavy industry; volcanoes. Counteract greenhouse gases by deflecting sunlight, scattering radiation. Provide something for water vapor to condense on, adding cloudiness to reflect radiation and increase precipitation, ultimately cooling the Earth.

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