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Chapter 8 T-Spine. T-Spine Vertebrae T1-4 smaller (Cervical like) T5-8 typical Thoracic T9-12 larger (Lumbar like) Facets for ribs.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 T-Spine. T-Spine Vertebrae T1-4 smaller (Cervical like) T5-8 typical Thoracic T9-12 larger (Lumbar like) Facets for ribs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 T-Spine

2 T-Spine Vertebrae T1-4 smaller (Cervical like) T5-8 typical Thoracic T9-12 larger (Lumbar like) Facets for ribs

3 Costovertebral Joints Full facets –Accepts head of rib Demifacets – Where rib articulates with 2 vertebrae. T2-8 (2) demifacets T9 (1) demifacet

4 Costotransverse joints Facets on transverse process –Articulates with rib tubercles T1-10 –11&12 lacks

5 T-spine characteristics Spinous process projects ____________ –Ex: on AP _____________on T5 Zygapophyseal joints – __________________. Intervertebral foramina – __________________.

6 C&T-spine topographic landmarks _____________– C1 1” below _____ – C1 Gonion – C3 Jugular notch – T2-3 ___________– T4-5 Xiphoid tip – T9-10

7 T-Spine Imaging Routine AP Lateral Swimmers 40” SID 80-85kVp Recumbent

8 AP T-Spine Supine Have pt _________ CR to T7 – __________jugular notch Midsagittal Collimate to ________ Suspend respiration on expiration

9 Lateral T-Spine Supine Can place ________in small of back for support Flex knees CR to T7 & _________ from spinous process __________ technique can help blur ribs and pulmonary markings

10 Swimmers ____________not seen well on lateral Place pt in lateral Arm _____________raise above head Arm farthest from IR depress CR ___________jugular notch May put slight (3-5°)caudal angle if needed.

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