Preeti Sharma Recording & Findings of 5 Days Field Visit District - Churu “Taranagar, Rajgarh, Ratangarh and Sardarshar”

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Presentation on theme: "Preeti Sharma Recording & Findings of 5 Days Field Visit District - Churu “Taranagar, Rajgarh, Ratangarh and Sardarshar”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preeti Sharma Recording & Findings of 5 Days Field Visit District - Churu “Taranagar, Rajgarh, Ratangarh and Sardarshar”

2 At a Glance S.N. 1 No. of blocks addressed04 2 Total Institutions visited13 3 No. of Delivery Point visited10 4 No. Of CHC Visited04 5 No. Of PHC Visited04 6No. Of Sub Center Visited05 7 No. of key personnel interacted/discussed with30

3 II. Deliveries per month: III. ANC: S.N.ANCStatus 1WeighingYes 2Blood PressureYes 3Urine & Blood testYes 4Delivery KitYes 5Blood storage facilityYes* 6C-sectionNO 70-80% registration of pregnant women within 12 weeks

4 IV. Cleanliness: - Overall it was found that, at the most of places the fund was not utilized for the same at any level - Unavailability of the guideline for the same is also a concern - Recently the fund was transferred for same at the level of CHC only - The facilities are not connected with the CTF - Not authorized by pollution control board, even no follow- up has been perform with the department since 2011-12 and no one has any idea about that. - Waste collection bags, bins, needle, cutter and sodium hypochlorite are sufficiently available at all the instructions

5 V. Branding: - At all the visited institutions no where branding was seen, even concern authorities has no idea about the modalities for the same. - No where guidelines are available or provided VI. NBCC/NBCU: - NBCC are established at all delivery points, Except Sub- centers - At all visited delivery points (CHC & PHC) most of the equipments for NBCC are available * Radiant warmer and phototherapy machine are available at Taranagr & Rajgarh CHC’s but never been utilized and not installed till the time.

6 VII. Payment – JSY/ASHA: - Payment of JSY and Subhlaxmi is well on track without any delay (No pending cheques) - Except payment for infant and maternal death report other payments for ASHA are well on track and well aligned, payment for death report in the district is still has to initiated. VIII. Fund: - AMG / Untied and corpus fund are provided to all the institutions and expenditure with the same are going on, guidelines for the same are available every where.

7 IX. Observations / Findings: - However there is shortage of staff at “Rajaldesar” CHC but the cleanliness of the institutions is found really good. - The “Taranagar” CHC has to extremely improve their standards of cleanliness. - Most of the ANM’s are available at the headquarter and performing deliveries at sub centers. - Except district hospital Churu there is no availability of C- section felicity in the district (No gynecologist) - Some delivery point sub centers (“ दुलरासर, पलतिसर ”) don’t have their own building and functioning in a one rented room. - Most of the labour room and toilets were not found so clean and sanitized.

8 IX. Observations / Findings cont…… - Grievance box are not available at any visited location. - MTC centers are functional at all CHC. - SBA trained staff are available at most of the locations but partograph is not in practiced. - One of the sub-center ( सवाई ) has only one room facility where generally 4-5 deliveries are attended every month. - There is no running water facility at “Melusar” SC (7-8 deliveries per month) - 13 Janani express are available in the district and all are on- rout (at “Sardarshar” there are only 4 drivers appointed for 3 JE.) - All 2 MMU and 6 MMV are functional at the location.

9 Thanks

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