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Biology or Social studies: individual vs. collective movement Day 11 COLQ 201 Multiagent modeling Harry Howard Tulane University.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology or Social studies: individual vs. collective movement Day 11 COLQ 201 Multiagent modeling Harry Howard Tulane University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology or Social studies: individual vs. collective movement Day 11 COLQ 201 Multiagent modeling Harry Howard Tulane University

2 5-Feb-2010COLQ 201, Prof. Howard, Tulane University2 Course organization 

3 Independence vs. mimetism online

4 5-Feb-2010COLQ 201, Prof. Howard, Tulane University4 How to fix the first error  What does output-write do?  When in doubt read the instructions:   Programming Guide > Output  Find other examples of output-write in the program.  What should output-write "sim " simulations do?  Solution: output-write simulations  Add a comment that you fixed it.

5 5-Feb-2010COLQ 201, Prof. Howard, Tulane University5 How to fix the 2nd error  What should your first step be?  The observer is the aspect of the program that executes a procedure when nothing else does.  Look at the procedures dependent and independent.  What executes them?  The macaques are asked to.  Solution: ask the macaques to check mimetism: ask macaques [ ifelse mimetism? [dependent] [independent] ]

6 5-Feb-2010COLQ 201, Prof. Howard, Tulane University6 Look at the interface  Where is the go button?  What does mimetism mean?  Run the simulation with and without mimetism. What is the difference?

7 Programming NetLogo

8 5-Feb-2010COLQ 201, Prof. Howard, Tulane University8 Play with this model  Can you change "simulate" to "run"?  Can you make the monkey image bigger?

9 5-Feb-2010COLQ 201, Prof. Howard, Tulane University9 Starting form scratch 

10 5-Feb-2010COLQ 201, Prof. Howard, Tulane University10 Next time  Q3  Biology: communication  Quorum sensing

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