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CLASS AND OBJECTS Valerie Chu, Ph.D. LeMoyne-Owen College 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CLASS AND OBJECTS Valerie Chu, Ph.D. LeMoyne-Owen College 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLASS AND OBJECTS Valerie Chu, Ph.D. LeMoyne-Owen College 1

2 Existing Data Types Declare a variable: 2 LeMoyne-Owen College

3 Create your own data type 3 LeMoyne-Owen College

4 Class & Objects Class – blueprint e.g., Course Object – house e.g., JAVAI, JAVAII, Data Structures,…etc. Characteristic of an object Instructor, number of seats,…etc. Behavior Change instructor, increase number of seats,…etc. LeMoyne-Owen College 4

5 5

6 Class & Objects (cont.) Characteristic – Instance Variable A storage – not take any action, no (). private – only methods within the same class can view or change it. Data is protected. – encapsulation. data type – to know how large of storage to be reserved. variable name – no space (one word only) e.g., numOfStudents. LeMoyne-Owen College 6

7 Class & Objects (cont.) Behavior – Method or Constructor Take an action – () is needed. public – client (main method) can call it. Interface between client and methods. return data type – what type information the method return to caller? void - no return information. parameter – information needed from caller. - Can be only used within the block of the method, it located. - data type is needed. LeMoyne-Owen College 7

8 Constructor A special method Take an action : Constructor’s job: Initialize objects; i.e. initialize instance variables. Be called when a new object of the class is declared. Has the same name as the class name. No return data type. Number of parameters usually, not always, is same as number of instance variables. public LeMoyne-Owen College 8

9 Declare a class 9 LeMoyne-Owen College

10 10 LeMoyne-Owen College

11 11 LeMoyne-Owen College

12 12 LeMoyne-Owen College

13 Default constructor If a programmer did not set any constructor, the Java compiler has a default constructor with no parameters. Set zero for primitive number types. Set false for boolean values Set null for references (e.g. String type) 13 LeMoyne-Owen College

14 Example 14 LeMoyne-Owen College

15 What if a constructor is set? 15 LeMoyne-Owen College

16 16 LeMoyne-Owen College

17 What if a constructor is set? (cont.) 17 LeMoyne-Owen College

18 What if a constructor is set?(Cont.) A constructor is created in a class. Default constructor is turned off. The no-argument constructor is required if a client creates an object with no initial values. Constructor Overload 18 LeMoyne-Owen College

19 19 Constructor Overload LeMoyne-Owen College

20 20 LeMoyne-Owen College

21 21 LeMoyne-Owen College

22 22 LeMoyne-Owen College

23 23 LeMoyne-Owen College

24 Compile and run javac *.java java CourseTest 24 LeMoyne-Owen College

25 Compare two objects 25 LeMoyne-Owen College

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