By Paola Suárez.  Defining Relative Clauses  Non-Defining Relative Clauses.

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Presentation on theme: "By Paola Suárez.  Defining Relative Clauses  Non-Defining Relative Clauses."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Paola Suárez

2  Defining Relative Clauses  Non-Defining Relative Clauses

3  They give some information that is necessary to know what / who we are talking about: “who painted the house” makes clear who the man is. She spoke to the man who painted the house.

4  Who People  Which Things  That It is used instead of who or which.

5 ‘I saw the woman. The woman visited you’ Who I saw the woman who visited you. ‘He bought the bike. You like the bike.’ Which He bought the bike which you like. That I saw the woman that visited you. He bought the bike that you like.

6 Who, which o that can be omitted if they are not the subject of the verb. He bought the bike (which) you like. (YES) The bike (which/ that ) I asked for is very expensive. (Yes) The bike for which I asked is very expensive. (NO) Is that the book (that) I lent you? (YES) I saw the woman who visited you. (NO) Where is the man who sold you the dog? (NO)

7  Whom People. (never subject) ‘The man is an important businessman. She is talking to the man.’ The man (who/that/whom) she is talking to is an important businessman. The man to whom she is speaking is an important businessman.

8  Whose To show possession: people& things. The film is about a man whose wife disappears. The house whose door is blue is mine.  Where It refers to a place. Is New York the place where you stayed? Is New York the place (which) you stayed in?  When It refers to time. I’ll never forget the day (when/that) we met.

9  They give some extra information about the person or thing we are talking about, but this information isn’t necessary to know what / who we are talking about.  The relative clause goes between commas.  That is not used.  Pronouns cannot be omitted.

10  Lucía, who is Spanish, can speak English.  This woman, with whom he lives, is Polish.  This woman, whom / who he lives with, is Polish  Mary’s hobby, which she spends her money on, is tennis.  John, whose mum is a singer, cooks very well.  The blue house, where I live, is made of wood.  I’m going to the Pyrenees, where the weather is good.

11  Defining clauses 1. Do not have commas. 2. Who, which, that can be omitted if they are not the subject. 3. Whom, when can be omitted. 4. Whose, where cannot be omitted.  Non-Defining clauses. 1. Have commas. 2. Pronouns are not omitted. 3. That cannot be used.

12  ‘WHAT’ as a relative pronoun = “Lo que” What we saw astonished us = The event (that / which) we saw astonished u s  Connective Relatives He said he had done his homework, which wasn’t true.


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