A study on student and staff awareness acceptance and usage of ebooks at two queensland universities martin borchert griffith university alison hunter.

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Presentation on theme: "A study on student and staff awareness acceptance and usage of ebooks at two queensland universities martin borchert griffith university alison hunter."— Presentation transcript:

1 a study on student and staff awareness acceptance and usage of ebooks at two queensland universities martin borchert griffith university alison hunter university of southern queensland debby macdonald griffith university clare tittel university of southern queensland sponsored by queensland university librarians office of cooperation (quloc) 2009 information online conference sydney australia

2 why literature method awareness usage acceptance evaluation implications

3 why

4 literature chu 03 levin-clark 06 walton 07 connoway 07 carlock + perry 07 rowlands 07 - jisc 07 - ebrary 08

5 method user survey online + print 1732 students 352 staff griffith + usq

6 awareness



9 usage



12 acceptance





17 evaluation control questions statistical analysis deep logs further work

18 implications collection development promotion literature

19 end

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