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A Revolution in Science Copernicus and Galileo. Nicolas Copernicus  Born in Poland in 1473 to a rich merchant  Priest, philosopher, doctor, and mathematician.

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Presentation on theme: "A Revolution in Science Copernicus and Galileo. Nicolas Copernicus  Born in Poland in 1473 to a rich merchant  Priest, philosopher, doctor, and mathematician."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Revolution in Science Copernicus and Galileo

2 Nicolas Copernicus  Born in Poland in 1473 to a rich merchant  Priest, philosopher, doctor, and mathematician  Loyal Catholic

3 Astronomical Problems  The Church realized Julian calendar was wrong  Easter was not falling on the right day.  Copernicus becomes dissatisfied with the accepted model of the solar system.

4 Geocentric Solar System

5 Ptolemy’s Errors Pile Up For 1300 years the Church thought the Earth was at the center of the heavens. By Copernicus’s time, the calendar was 10 days off.

6 Star-Gazing to Determine the Length of a Year

7 On the Revolution of the Heavenly Bodies  Some Greeks had different ideas than Ptolemy.  Copernicus comes up with a heliocentric solar system and publishes it.  Helios = Gk. the Sun

8 Luther and Calvin Disagree  Joshua makes the sun stand still in the sky.  Psalm 93: “He has made the world firm…” They claimed the Bible didn’t support his findings:

9 Publication of Copernicus’s Findings Despite Protestant foes, Copernicus published his findings with the blessing of Pope Clement VII. Another Medici!

10 Death of Copernicus  Publishes On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies in 1543  Copernicus died in that same year.  His legacy would endure….

11 Galileo: The Father of Modern Science  That legacy continues with Galileo….  b. 1564, in Pisa, Italy  Astronomer and mathematician  Supported heliocentric solar system

12 Galileo’s Pendulating Predestination:  Cathedral lamp fascinated him with its motion.  Devoted his life to the study of math & science  Went to the University of Padua, where Copernicus studied

13 Falling Bodies  Legend: Galileo dropped 2 objects of different weights from the Tower of Pisa.  Aristotle had claimed the heavier one would fall faster.  Galileo disagreed.

14 From Earthly to Heavenly Bodies…  Developed telescope  Confirmed Copernicus’s theory of a Sun-centered Solar System  Doge of Venice & Galileo (to right):

15 Galileo’s Telescopic Discoveries  Discovered 4 of Jupiter’s moons (from top to bottom):  Io  Europa  Ganymede  Callisto

16 1616—Before the Roman Inquisition Chief Theologian condemns Galileo’s ideas.

17 Keeping a Low Profile  After the Inquisition, Galileo kept quiet.  He kept working though.  1632: Published Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World—Ptolemaic and Copernican

18 Inquisition Round 2—1633 Church condemned the Dialogue… and forced Galileo to recant. Legend: Galileo said under his breath, “And yet it moves…”

19 Galileo’s Legacy  In 1989, NASA sent out an unmanned spaceship to study Jupiter and its moons.  They named it Galileo.  It found ice on Ganymede.

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