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Semester Project Joseph Swartzentruber. Individual’s Description  42 year old Hispanic Male  Grew up in Mexico in a small mountain village of 300 people.

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Presentation on theme: "Semester Project Joseph Swartzentruber. Individual’s Description  42 year old Hispanic Male  Grew up in Mexico in a small mountain village of 300 people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semester Project Joseph Swartzentruber

2 Individual’s Description  42 year old Hispanic Male  Grew up in Mexico in a small mountain village of 300 people  The family immigrated to America when the individual was a freshman in high school  Got a job out of high school at a local restaurant

3 Education  Grade school was completed in Mexico  High school was completed at Spotswood High School  Individual saved up money to go to college  Began at Blue Ridge Community College  Graduated from EMU with a Business Degree

4 After College  Worked at a restaurant for a year while applying for jobs  Was hired as a foreman to work night shift at a local chicken plant  Was hired to work in administration 6 months later  He feels that he had a fair chance at education and job opportunities  He experienced some discrimination in the form of the “Glass Ceiling” but this has changed

5 Parents Description  Father worked as a construction worker  Was injured on the job and receives disability  Mother stayed home with the children  They did not experience severe obstacles because they were willing to work hard  They still do not have a lot of money but are living comfortably

6 Positive Myth #1: Hispanics are Hard Workers  The individual said “this is a myth because every person is different and he knows some Hispanics who are very lazy and expect everything to be given to them”  He feels this myth is positive because it helps individuals to get jobs  This Myth could potentially be negative because it gives the idea that Hispanics are not very well educated and they are only good at low paying jobs

7 Positive Myth #2: All Hispanics are Good at Soccer  Soccer is the most popular sport  There are many other sports  Boxing  Baseball  Bullfighting  He said this myth was false because he doesn’t play soccer  This Myth has the potential to be negative because it limits this ethnic group in the sports that they are considered good at

8 Negative Myth #1: All Hispanics are Illegal Immigrants  The individual is an example that this myth is false  There are 11.6 million legal  There are 5.9 million illegal  This Myth is very damaging for job opportunities  Some American workers blame the Hispanic immigrants for taking their jobs (Prejudice)

9 Negative Myth #2: All Hispanics are Uneducated  87% value a higher education  14% have a bachelors degree or higher  64.7% have a high school education  This myth is very damaging to job opportunities  This myth keeps Hispanics in low paying jobs

10 References   immigration-in-the-u-s/ immigration-in-the-u-s/  

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