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HIB HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, AND BULLYING POLICY Robert Morris School South Bound Brook School District.

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Presentation on theme: "HIB HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, AND BULLYING POLICY Robert Morris School South Bound Brook School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIB HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, AND BULLYING POLICY Robert Morris School South Bound Brook School District

2 Definition Any gesture (written, verbal, physical or electronic), whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents, that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by a real or perceived characteristic or distinguishing characteristic

3 Characteristics Race Color Religion Ancestry National Origin Gender Sexual Orientation Gender Identity/ expression Disability (mental, physical, or sensory) Or any other distinguishing characteristic

4 Where? Bullying must take place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, on a school bus, OR Off school grounds but substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of the students

5 Definition Continued A reasonable person would know that the act would have an effect of harming a student (physically or emotionally) or damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to this person or damage to their property Insults or demeans any student or group of students Creates a hostile educational environment for the student by interfering with a student’s education or by severely or pervasively causing physical/emotional harm to the student.

6 Types of Bullying Verbal – Includes name calling, taunting, constant teasing or making threats Physical – Includes hitting, punching, shoving, spitting, or taking or damaging personal belongings Psychological – Includes spreading rumors, purposefully keeping people from activities and breaking up friendships or other relationships Electronic – Includes using the internet, mobile phone or other electronic equipment to intentionally harm others.

7 Conflict Vs. Bullying Unlike bullying, during a conflict people are equally involved in some type of disagreement. Conflict is considered mutual, meaning everyone is more or less evenly involved. Bullying, on the other hand, involves one or several people intentionally committing a mean or violent act against another person(s) or group of people. Bullying is ONE-SIDED. Conflicts and bullying can interrupt the school day, damage property and cause injuries to the people involved. However, when the behavior involves a conflict, the school will take action based on its code of student conduct instead of the ABR.

8 Conflict Vs. Bullying

9 Procedures When a report is made, parents of any student involved in a possible HIB incident will be notified that day. At the conclusion of the investigation, parents will be notified as to whether findings revealed an HIB incident pending board-approval.

10 Next Steps Based on the investigation report, the following actions may be taken: Impose discipline Provide intervention services Provide counseling Take any other actions necessary to address the incident or reduce HIB in the schools.

11 What can parents do? Volunteer to be the parent representative on the school safety team Attend board of education meetings Attend parent-teacher conferences and contact your child’s teacher to stay updated about any issues or concerns. Teach respect and be a role model Ask questions, know your child’s friends Encourage positive problem solving

12 For more information Contact: HIB Specialist-Mrs. Santiago HIB Coordinator- Ms. Palladino Principal/Superintendant- Dr. Goeke More information can be found at: afety/behavior/hib/ParentGuide.pdf afety/behavior/hib/ParentGuide.pdf

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