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Slide 1 of 9 Sorting it Grange-Enders Episode 8 Next.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 of 9 Sorting it Grange-Enders Episode 8 Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 of 9 Sorting it Grange-Enders Episode 8 Next

2 Slide 2 of 9 How do people react during an argument? Starter Brainstorm-

3 Slide 3 of 9 How not to do it Read episode 8 Part 1 as a class Work in groups Imagine that Sean is not with Eddie and Rafiq on the field, and that Eddie and Rafiq have been told to sort out the problem. Think about: 1.What they might say to each other. 2.What tone of voice they might use. 3.How they might stand. 4.How their faces and bodies might show their feelings.

4 Slide 4 of 9 Make Up OK! Read episode 8 Part 2 Work in groups Sean uses a conflict solving model with Eddie and Rafiq called ‘Make Up OK!’. How well do Eddie and Rafiq follow the steps to begin with? Find examples from the episode that show them following, or not following, each step. How does Sean help them to achieve each step? Make up OK! M ake sure you are calm A ccept responsibility – it takes two to argue K eep to your turn (don’t interrupt and listen to the full story) E xplain what you are feeling and why; what you want to happen U nderstand the other person’s point of view P ick a solution that makes everyone feel OK! Go for a win-win solution.

5 Slide 5 of 9 Make up OK! Putting it all together Role-play Think of an argument you have had with someone (in the past). Tell your partner what happened and how you made up (if you did). Replay the argument, this time following each of the steps in ‘Make up OK!’. Plan, practise and show your role-play. Role-play Imagine Eddie and Rafiq are given the opportunity to sort out their argument, this time following each step of ‘Make up OK!’ Plan, practise and show a role- play of the conversation, to show how the scene might have looked. OR

6 Slide 6 of 9 Plenary What do you think is the most important step in the ‘Make up OK!’ set of rules and why? Make up OK! M ake sure you are calm A ccept responsibility – it takes two to argue K eep to your turn (don’t interrupt and listen to the full story) E xplain what you are feeling and why; what you want to happen U nderstand the other person’s point of view P ick a solution that makes everyone feel OK! Go for a win-win solution.

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